Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh, Christmas tree...

Anyone that really knows me, knows how much I love decorating for Christmas. I usually begin putting up the trees around Veteran's Day weekend so that they can be enjoyed longer. Why spend all the money on the decorations if you are only going to enjoy them for a short period of time? The one in our living room is done in coppers and greens, with pheasant feathers and deer antlers adorning the "head dress". When decorating it this year, Ellie said it looked like a turkey on top. LOL. In the dining room area, is a small Gatlinburg tree that is in the traditional greens and reds, with a lime green twist to it. The kids gifts are wrapped beneth it. Ellie has one in her room with the colored lights and Jamie has a Gatlinburg tree that is in a hunting theme with feathers, cat tails, shot gun shells over the lights and all his hunting ornaments. I love putting them up....but taking them down, not so much!

Meet Peppers....

Meet Peppers, the new addition to the Carson Clan. Ellie and Jamie got the cat from Granddaddy's barn. Though I am not a "cat person", I must say, Peppers has warmed up to us better than than Hank the Beagle. Ellie did have a difficult time naming him. Her list included: Pizza Crust and Spaghetti before deciding on Peppers. I sure am glad it wasn't Pizza Crust....could you imagine calling for Pizza Crust to find him?

Top 10: Thanksgiving

A few weeks ago, I began thinking of Thanksgiving and the wonderful food that goes with it! Yummy! This year, I have put together my "Top 10 Things that I am Thankful for". It was hard for me to narrow it down to 10 & some you might think are a little "odd". Enjoy!
1. Jesus. Without him, salvation would even exist.
2. My husband.
3. Ellie Grace--she always amazes me and keeps me young.
4. my nieces and nephews - Julia, Harrison, Jaxon, & Tripp
5. my family, who loves me for who I am
6. New Salem Youth - this is a awesome group of kids!
7. My job....really never thought I would be thankful for work :)
8. Sweet Tea -- the official southern drink :)
9. Ellie making up stories on the way to work / school. They usually involve bees and ice cream :)
10. the simple things - warm towels, a good brownie, and sunshine
What things are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 50th Birthday Mike

This past weekend was crammed full of activities - including 4 birthday parties. Yes, I said 4 parties in one weekend! One of the parties was for my dad (Mike) for his 50th Birthday! He turned 50 years young on Nov. 6th & though we did not do an all out celebration like normal milestone birthdays (which was fine with him) we didn't let it go unnoticed. A large celebration would have been difficult to plan due to his birthday falling during the harvest time & he being in the grain business. So, the day before I had sent out texts & emails asking friends/relatives/basically anyone who knows him to call or send a birthday wish to him. He said his phone rang, vibrated, and beeped all day long! Later that night, the "kiddos" (as he calls my sister, myself & our families) gathered at his house for a low key party. I think he really enjoyed us not making a huge deal of it. But....there is always next year! Attached is a photo of my dad with his 2 of the 3 grandkids (Jaxon & Ellie Grace....Tripp, the new addition, is not pictured - he was asleep.)

Pizza! Pizza!

Ellie Grace loves to help her MeeMee (Jamie's mother) in the kitchen. This past weekend it was homemade pizzas on the menu. So, Ellie drug up the stool & decided she would help "decorate" the pizzas. Who knows? Maybe she will become a chef!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Top Photo: Jaxon (Luigi), Tripp (his 1st Halloween) & Dorothy (Ellie Grace)
Bottom Photo: Ellie went as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz this year. Complete with ruby slippers, she got so much candy that the dentist will really love us come check up time!

Here comes Fall!!

I really noticed this past week all of the trees changing from green into vibrate autumn colors. I had to get out the camera & snap a few shots. This is my favorite time of year!