Thursday, December 31, 2009

a year in review...

Ellie celebrated her 4th Birthday!
Kids will be kids...I love this pic of Ellie. It was taken on our way to see the bison at the Land Between the Lakes (KY) & she thought the drive was waayy too long for her...

We welcomed Tripp Michael in October!

Ellie began preschool....

As we say goodbye to 2009, I cannot help but think back on what all took place. We had lots of exciting events - a new nephew, new beginnings, as well as just the day to day activities. I couldn't think of a better way to recap than through photos ... enjoy! Wishing you all the blessings that 2010 has to offer!Jamie & I went to Atlanta - for the first time - to see the Braves play. He is a huge fan of the Braves and has seen them play in STL, but on their home turf was something special.
Ellie followed the Yellow Brick Road.

Jamie had bigger fish to fry - so to speak! He reeled this one in on KY Lake in March on a crappie fishing pole. The moster fish now lives in a friend's pond.

We made new friends. Ellie & Jaxon meeting Farmer Brent's goose. Notice Ellie eatting the bread that she was going to feed to the goose. I guess she was taste testing for quality purposes.

Computer Lessons ...

Ellie has learned the computer - from turning it on, logging on to the internet, going to her games that she plays on the computer, and finishing by turning it off and shutting the computer. She amazes me how she learned this by just watching Jamie & I. The other day, we caught teaching Peppers (her cat) how to use the computer. She would take the cat's paw and make it move the mouse. HA! and the cat didn't seem to mind the lesson. Notice she also has control of the remote.

A "Converse" Christmas

For Christmas this year, Ellie received a pair of pink high top Converse tennis shoes from her Granny. Needless to say - they are ADORABLE on her! Now, not only can Ellie "rock" the old school tennis shoes, but I received a pair as well. Mom & daughter will look a like!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Recap - Part 2

We are still recouping from Christmas. The decorations are down & put away, trash taken off, and getting ready to lay back & rest. We now will be busy building a new room onto the house for all of Ellie's new toys. a quick family photo

"I always wanted this!"
Ellie & her new pink Converse tennis shoes - ADORABLE!

deep concentration playing her new Leapster2

Jaxon, our nephew, and Ellie - such tech savvy kids.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas recap - Part 1

Yes, Ellie is in the back of our vehicle. No, she did not ride home this way. She thought she needed to ride back there so that she could play with her new presents.

Ellie opening a gift at her MeeMee & Peepaw's (Jamie's parents). She had to get all of the paper off of the boxes before she ever opened the actual box to see what was in it. She has such OCD qualities.

Ellie & I pausing for a quick photo.

Cardwell Christmas - Kylie & KJ (my uncle's), Ellie & Jaxon.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Jam Session at the Carson's

It seems that family members have taken upon themselves to learn a new instrument- the guitar. So, now they pack their guitar cases with their suitcases. Last night was a "pickin' & grinnin'" session at our house. The dualing guitar players were Adam and Jamie - accompanied with Mary Beth singing. Watch out Nashville - here comes a group that has not yet been named!

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

This past weekend was the Harrell Christmas (Jamie's side of the family). It is always so much fun to get together with them! The family has grown in recent years with the grandchildren getting married and having children of thier own. So much so, that the garage has had to be shut off, heater brought in, and card table/chairs set up. But no matter where we are, wrapping paper ball fights are sure to break no using the babies as human shields! LOL Ellie modeling her new pink snow boots and scarf. Thanks Janet for the boots!
The fashionista = Ellie Grace, Julia, and Macy Ruth

Adam is the human jungle gym. He is such a big kid! Can't wait for the pay back that he will be getting when his little one arrives June 2010!

Harrison getting Adam to open his dozer!

an angel gets her wings...

well, kind of... Ellie was very excited to be an angel in this year's Christmas program at church. Complete with angel wings (which reminded me of the VS Angel wings), she stood in her spot & flapped her arms up & down like in flight. She did really good staying up there the whole time - which was a Christmas miracle in and of itself as she is NEVER still.

Merry Christmas...

As we are upon the Christmas season, it is a time of reflection on the past year. This year has been a difficult year for a lot of people, and our family is no different. Though we have been lucky that Jamie did not lose his job, we have had to deal with rolling layoffs and cut hours; me returning to school. It hasn't been the easiest, but it hasn't been as tough as I thought it would be at the beginning of the year. God has truely blessed us. So, from our family to yours: Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Let's visit Santa's Village....

Ellie took a field trip with her MDO (Mother's Day Out) preschool to Santa's Village in Martin. I was uable to make the trip with her, so daddy went with her and joined in on the fun. This was her 1st visit to Santa's Village and this will become a family tradition. Santa's Village includes, of course, a visit to Santa (who Ellie isn't too friendly with, but wants the goodies), a petting zoo, and kid appropriate carnival rides.

Ellie & her friend, Emmaline, on the carosel.
Ellie & KJ looking at the pengins in the North Pole.

The kids waiting in line for the Fun Slide.

I didn't know they had zebras in the North Pole. Maybe they take the place of the reindeer should they get sick.

Happy 6th Birthday Jaxon!

It's hard to believe that our nephew, Jaxon, turned 6 years old on Dec. 2nd! He has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives as aunts and uncles. And he has to be the BEST Wii player, putt-putt golfer, and biggest Cardinals fan in the world (our at least ours). We celebrated his birthday at his home with his mommy & daddy (Paige & Jeffery) and little brother, Tripp, along with a host of family and friends. Here he is showing off is Cardinals cake.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let the Christmas Parties Begin!

Ellie assisting her Pepaw (Gary-Jamie's Dad) in opening his Dirty Santa present. Notice the M&M's that she has latched on to. Yeah, Pepaw never saw these again - M&M's are her favorite candy!
More gift opening. Terry Joe Owens has assistance from his grandson, Brock (back of his head).

Granddaddy & Memama (Alvin & Peggy Owens Harrell) admiring his Dirty Santa gift. He didn't keep this one very long!

Some of the kids playing - Macy Ruth Chandler, Ellie Grace, and Avery Owens. What pretty girls they are!

Memama (Peggy Owens Harrell) & Jean Owens guarding the cakes! It's a hard job to keep family from eating these before their supper!

With the Christmas season comes the parties and other festivities which have already began for the Carson Clan. Our Christmas parties kick off with the Owens' Family Christmas, which is held each year at The Chandler's. The party always includes special requests for food - top picks include homemade coconut cake and boiled custard, a few rounds of Dirty Santa, and of course catching up with the family members. This year, a Christmas trivia quiz was included which brought out all our competitive sides and lots of laughs. I bet this becomes a new tradition!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our Visit to Nashville

Ellie bundled up for the cold.
Courtney & Max Dillard braving the coldness of ICE with their "smurf coats."

Outdoor nativity scene at Opryland Hotel

Entrance of ICE! at the Opryland Hotel

We took a "mini vacation" to Nashville to spend some time with Jamie's cousins The Dillards (Brandon, Courtney, & Max). After a 6 hour trip (that should have taken 4 at the most~holiday traffic) we finally made it there and had a wonderful time! Just hanging out with them was wonderful. Max kept us entertained and Ellie wanted to take their "Yellow Dog" (aka Allie)(from the movie Funny Farm) home with us. While we were there we went to see ICE! A Charlie Brown Christmas exhibit at the Opryland Hotel. You don't realize how cold 9 degrees until you feel like you are hanging in a meat locker! Ellie enjoyed the ice slide and we purchased Peanut ornaments to remember our trip. We also visited the Opryland Hotel to see their light display, which was really neat. They have a large nativity scene that was so AWESOME! A great reminder to everyone the real meaning of Christmas! We had a wonderful time ~ a BIG THANK YOU to the Dillards!