Saturday, May 21, 2011

Poundin' the Pavement

Last year, I kept wanting/wishing about participating in 5k run/walks. This year we got up the courage to do it! The Gang is all here - Lisa, myself, Jenner, & Datrice. We participated in the Y-Knot Run in Dyer Co this weekend & survived! No, the EMT behind us did not have to give any assistance.

This race is actually the 3rd for all except for Jenner (this was her 1st). We participated in the Teapot Trot in Trenton where we had "beginner's luck" I placed 3rd in my division; Datrice placed 3rd in her division! Then we traveled to Humboldt for the Strawberry Festival where Datrice had luck again placing 1st in her division! She ROCKS! Jenner joined us for this the Dyer Co race & had "beginner's luck" placing 3rd in her division! I beat my personal best time by 3 minutes! Oh, and Lisa was probably (finally) the big winner of us all - she won the grand prize money random drawing in Dyer Co!

No we don't run the whole thing (yet) because I really would need the EMT assistance ... so we mix it up by alternating jogs/walks/hyperventilation/bouts of dizziness/feeling sick to our stomachs/moments of insanity/the joy of finishing & beating your time! For the past 2 weeks I have been (doing my best) getting up around 5-ish to walk w/ Jenner for 30-45 mins ... that is when she is not texting me calling me a 'slacker' when I just turn off the alarm at continue to sleep.

Chic-fil-a was there too ... and, yes - we went there after the race.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Just Pics

Watch Out Kindergarten

Ellie is officially graduated from Pre-K. After 2 years of attending a local Mom's Day Out program host by a local church, she graduated this past Sunday night. The friends she made, teachers she loved, things she learned, and the memories have left a everlasting impression in her life.

Her last day of school was a field trip to a park - right up their ally. Though most kids were fascinated by the water fountain, Ellie soaked up the play time on the jungle bars and slides. Of course lunch was gotten at McDonald's - talk about a great field trip! It's so hard to believe she is ready for Kindergarten! Watch out Kenton School!
Ellie & her friend Gracie - I hate they won't be going to the same school.

Now on to the end of school Program & Graduation...

The kids showed off their classroom skills, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and other favorite songs. There were lots of giggles and tears. And Ellie really got in her element and had fun doing her program.

Walking down to her spot on stage...

Then came her favorite song..."Toody Ta" - hilarious!

And, then our prissy pot posed for me to get a graduation photo ...

Mother's Day 2011

Well, I guess it's better late than never to post about Mother's Day.

I must say that I am very blessed to have my little girl in my life. She never ceases to amaze me in her abilities. She is truly a one of a kind - and she is all mine.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Ellie recently received golf lessons from cousin Mason. Humm...I wonder if Dad now sees opportunity to take up another hobby besides hunting & fishing? Why are men's hobbies so expensive?