Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Hope everyone had a Happy Father's Day weekend. I know we had fun & hated to see the work week begin.

We began Father's Day at church, then it was off to Jamie's grandparents home for lunch - yummy!

I was able to snap a pic of Jamie & his "daddy's girl" :) Some may think I am kidding, but just ask anyone in our family. She makes no bones about it that she is a daddy's girl. Just the other night, she had begged us all week to spend the night with his parents. So finally the night came that she could, only she backed out of the deal as he & I were leaving for home. The water works were pouring I tell you .. a whole lot of drama going on. Finally, when she was able to speak about such a traumatic experience of staying with grandparents, their only harm would be spoiling her rotten, she said (and I quote) ... "I didn't want to stay because I would miss my daddy so much!" I asked, "What about mommy? Would you miss me?" Her reply, "Yeah, I guess, but I would miss daddy more!" Talk about mommy feeling like chopped liver. She also told her daddy that mommy needed to have another child that way I could have my own kid. Although I think she may have had grandparents to help her with that little scenario. Of course .. these 3 girlies had to have their photo made. Julia's makeup is courtesy of Mary Beth, the aspiring makeup artist.

Father's Day evening was spent at our home with my dad & mom, Paige & her family. A Father's Day is not complete unless a Father has brought out the grill, so burgers & hotdogs were on the menu. It was pretty low key, just hanging outside, hitting golf balls, riding the golf cart, and listening to Tripp and his high pitched, ear piercing horror film scream. He is so blasted cute even if he does make my ears ring.

I'm not sure what Ellie is doing in this photo - probably talking.

And this is her version of bunny ears.

US Open: Our Version

The Carson/Hays version of the US Open includes 2 kiddos under the age of 10 & 2 dads.

Ellie & more so Jamie had fun hanging out with the Hays' this past weekend & had the opportunity to hit a few golf balls. I believe Jamie maybe catching the fever. Ellie ... not so sure about, but she did like handing the clubs to Jaxon, so I guess she would be considered his caddy. Of course, if a trip like this is planned, my camera is always in tow. Awe - such cute cousins. They love playing together & look forward to seeing each other all the time.
I don't think he was too happy with this shot. He has GROWN so much in the past few months.

Ellie was more interested in posing with the clubs. We have a little Vanna White on our hands...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

You Grab a line; I'll Grab a Pole

First of all, I have been trying to up load these photos all week, but for some reason it always happened unsuccessfully. Very frustrating.

Last weekend was the perfect weather for fishing. The humidity was lower & it was actually comfortable to be outside. We decided to head to Ms. Natalie's pond for some fishing. Ellie was excited to finally use the fishing pole the Easter Bunny had brought her. And, we have a lucky fishing buddy in our midst. She caught 2 or 3 before Jamie's first bite. She ended up snagging around 6 or 7 during the short time we were there. Maybe it was the purple sticker she placed on her forehead? (I don't know if you can tell in the photo, but she did have a purple sticker in the middle of her forehead.) After fishing, we headed to The Eakes' for an unplanned supper. (After much persistence from Billie Jo). Ellie played w/ her friends Davis & Avery & did not want to leave when it was time to go. Thanks Billie Jo & Jeff for a wonderful time & a great meal! Also, I wanted to wish my dad, my father-in-law, & Jamie a Happy Father's Day this weekend! We will be going sometime today to get some goodies for these great guys in our lives. We love you & appreciate all you do!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Makin' a Splash

This past weekend was crazy busy... So, I will bore you with the details...

Friday night: T-ball game. This was our last regular season game. The kids played well, but we ended up losing. This was after a Thursday night double header. Yes, we play double headers in t-ball (crazy). One of the games was a make-up game. The kids won the 1st game; lost the 2nd game. Ellie tried her hardest to catch a fly ball in game #2 (yes, kids can hit a fly ball in t-ball..crazy), but instead she misjudged & it hit her on the inside elbow. Needless to say we left with her in tears. I know it hurt.

Saturday was just as busy. I helped with a ZUMBA-thon to benefit WRAP in connection with Leadership Gibson Co. Each year, the leadership class has to do a community project. Our class chose to help WRAP to benefit Gibson Co. This was my 1st Zumba experience & figured out very quickly that I will not be participating in any dancing reality shows. In case you are not aware, it has become the latest exercise/fitness craze in West TN. Afterward, we had fun in the pool courtesy of my uncle & aunt (Thanks Uncle Keith for letting us be pool bums). That night it was the usual "out to eat-oh let's stop here for me to look for this, oh no - it's Wal-Mart run".

Sunday was the morning SS/church service, lunch at the in-laws, uploading an insane amount of photos to my on-line account, wash autos, and walk/running with Jenner, to be followed by s'more/roasted hot dogs...we had to replenish the calories people :)

I hope I didn't bore you too badly with the weekend review. I really got bored writing it. I'll leave you with some photos of Ellie in the pool. Sorry for the poor quality. The lighting isn't the best during the early afternoon. I prefer early morning or late afternoon/evening natural light. It's doesn't "burn out" photos. (yes, I learned that in photography class)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We celebrated Memorial Day weekend at the Lake. The Lake has become our go-to place for lots of summer weekend stays. We love it up there - so relaxed and easy-going. Even though the weather was hot, the water was a little chilly, but the kids didn't care! The first several minutes was in the water Ellie's teeth were chattering, but she was a toughy & bared through it. Or maybe hard-headed - I guess it depends on how you look it. Ellie & the Eakes' kiddos. They are super cute, super funny, and super cool!
By the end of the weekend, Ellie was a little sunburned and a lot of tired. I still don't believe that she has fully recouped from the fun-packed weekend.

Bring on the Summer fun!