Hope everyone had a Happy Father's Day weekend. I know we had fun & hated to see the work week begin.
We began Father's Day at church, then it was off to Jamie's grandparents home for lunch - yummy!
I was able to snap a pic of Jamie & his "daddy's girl" :) Some may think I am kidding, but just ask anyone in our family. She makes no bones about it that she is a daddy's girl. Just the other night, she had begged us all week to spend the night with his parents. So finally the night came that she could, only she backed out of the deal as he & I were leaving for home. The water works were pouring I tell you .. a whole lot of drama going on. Finally, when she was able to speak about such a traumatic experience of staying with grandparents, their only harm would be spoiling her rotten, she said (and I quote) ... "I didn't want to stay because I would miss my daddy so much!" I asked, "What about mommy? Would you miss me?" Her reply, "Yeah, I guess, but I would miss daddy more!" Talk about mommy feeling like chopped liver. She also told her daddy that mommy needed to have another child that way I could have my own kid. Although I think she may have had grandparents to help her with that little scenario.
Of course .. these 3 girlies had to have their photo made. Julia's makeup is courtesy of Mary Beth, the aspiring makeup artist.

Father's Day evening was spent at our home with my dad & mom, Paige & her family. A Father's Day is not complete unless a Father has brought out the grill, so burgers & hotdogs were on the menu. It was pretty low key, just hanging outside, hitting golf balls, riding the golf cart, and listening to Tripp and his high pitched, ear piercing horror film scream. He is so blasted cute even if he does make my ears ring.

Father's Day evening was spent at our home with my dad & mom, Paige & her family. A Father's Day is not complete unless a Father has brought out the grill, so burgers & hotdogs were on the menu. It was pretty low key, just hanging outside, hitting golf balls, riding the golf cart, and listening to Tripp and his high pitched, ear piercing horror film scream. He is so blasted cute even if he does make my ears ring.