Ellie began school (over 1 month ago!) and she is conquering Kindergarten! It is so hard to believe how incredibly fast she has grown - she should not be this old! She was super excited about beginning big school. She has attended a "Mom's Day Out" preschool program since she was 3, so I knew she was ready (if not beyond ready) to go to big school. She is one smart cookie. And, the school she is attending is full of greatness - teachers, students, and mile from my office!
On the 1st day of school, we were both very brave. No tears. I asked Jamie not go with us on the 1st day, not because I am selfish or anything, but because the bravery would have turned into the worst day of school ever. She is such a daddy's girl that there would have been an Emmy Award given out for the "Best Performance in a Drama." I just didn't want her to get started on the wrong foot. So we arrived the first day at the same time our good friends the Eakes' crew did. She was able to walk in with Davis & Avery which helped.
So far the school year has gone great! Well, except for getting up in the mornings. Those are hard because neither of us are "morning people", but we have done well. There have been a few notes that have come home from school and her "clip" moved, but some of this is a learning process for her to understand that she has to do what the teacher directs, which sometimes is not the same idea she has (wonder where she gets that from?). Hopefully, her love of school will continue.