This past weekend, Ellie turned "6". Yep a whole handful plus 1 digit on another hand. Wow! It seems like yesterday Jamie & I were at our very 1st Dr. appointment hearing that we would become parents just a few days prior to our 1 year anniversary. We are no longer in a state of shock like that particular day, but she does keep us on our toes. She has blessed us beyond our imagination and we can honestly say we don't know what life was like before we were "Ellie's mom & dad".
Her birthday actually fell on a Friday this year, so that evening Jamie & I "grinned & bared" it for her birthday dinner choice - McDonald's :) with her special date, Macy Ruth. But before we could go to our dinner date, she got to open her present from us - her very own set of golf clubs. More specifically pink & purple golf clubs with matching pink golf balls. Watch out LPGA! Ellie will be arriving in a few years! She was so excited that she wanted to hit a few balls out in the yard before we left. And, that evening Macy ended up spending the night because Ellie so thoughtfully reminded us that "you should give the birthday girl what she wants!" (She sounds just like her JuJu).

Saturday evening was her party, which I must admit I did not put forth the time and effort as I normally do. But, it turned out better than I was expecting. It all began with some ice cream sundae invitations and treat bags I happened upon at Hobby Lobby in the clearance section. Then I found some wild colored plastic wine goblets in the WalMart clearance section. The shape & colors reminded me of the old fashioned ice cream sundae glasses. The treat bags were filled with candy and ice cream shaped sidewalk chalk found at Dollar Tree. The combo made for extra cute gifts for Ellie's guests.

The centerpieces were created the morning of her party in a last minute attempt to pull it all together. For a last minute rush, they turned out cute. It was crazy simple - Mason jars wrapped in tissue paper; spray paint craft sticks hot glued to sugar/waffle ice cream cones. The "scoop" of ice cream is simple a Styrofoam ball wrapped in tissue paper or a layer of paper napkin and hot glued to the top of the cone.
Tables were covered in lime green & hot pink table cloths with polka dot wrapping paper making the table runner. All found at the Dollar Tree - a fabulous place to get cheap decorations!
And the birthday cake was made by our babysitter, LeeLee, who make the most greatest birthday cakes ever!

The centerpieces were created the morning of her party in a last minute attempt to pull it all together. For a last minute rush, they turned out cute. It was crazy simple - Mason jars wrapped in tissue paper; spray paint craft sticks hot glued to sugar/waffle ice cream cones. The "scoop" of ice cream is simple a Styrofoam ball wrapped in tissue paper or a layer of paper napkin and hot glued to the top of the cone.

We also repeated last year's party and had a hay ride, which is always fun! Ellie had a great party and most of all got to spend it with the ones that love her!
Happy Birthday Ellie! Love you to the Moon & Back!