Thursday, December 29, 2011

Funnies from Christmas

We had a great Christmas - and it appears we all were on Santa's "good list". It was a whirl-wind of craziness, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And, I am still having difficulties getting photos uploaded, so it will probably be a few posts of just photos soon (fingers crossed). But, I did want to share a few funny stories that made our Christmas extra special.

  • A few weeks prior to Christmas I was busy wrapping gifts with my assistant Ellie. She was such a good helper and even attempted to wrap a few presents by herself. She finds a large shipping box that I had tossed aside and runs to her bedroom for a few minutes. She returns with the announcement that this box now contains a gift for me to open on Christmas. Awe, how sweet. She wraps the box with masking tape (it was a cardboard shipping box and Scotch wasn't going to hold) and some of the shipping paper that was inside. It was very rugged and unique:). On Christmas morning, she runs to her room to retrieve the package that has been placed under her tree for me to open. And here is a "side story" to this story ...

{Side Story} I found a wreath idea on Pinterest (love that site) for a ribbon/fabric wreath. I took a stab at it for an adorable ribbon wreath for Ellie's bedroom door. However, it kept falling off from the suction cup. It has been missing for weeks. When I asked questions to both Ellie and Jamie - neither knew what happened to it. forward to Christmas morning. Ellie give me her wrapped box and when I opened guessed it! It was the ribbon wreath for her bedroom door! Of course I laughed and commented that I was looking for it and had even asked her about it, to which she replied .."Mom, I knew you would like it!" Silly girl! But the funny thing was Jamie didn't even know she had done it until the day before. She woke up that morning to tell him she had had a terrible dream and the conversation goes something like this ...

Dad: Tell me about your dream

Ellie: I dreamed Mom opened her gift

Dad: What gift are you talking about?

Ellie: The gift under the tree in my bedroom.

Dad: Well, what is it?

Ellie: You know that wreath she has been looking for ...

  • Another funny story ... Ellie asks my mom specifically to get her the DVD movie "Underdog". My mom search high & low for it only to have to order it on-line. Mom is super proud because she got El exactly what she wanted. Ellie opens her present and wants to watch it. Well, it doesn't work in any of the dvd players. Turns out ... Mom ordered her the Blu-Ray disc of the movie. Problem is ... none of us have a BluRay player. I had to laugh because it seems my mom can't win with Ellie's gifts. Just ask her about Ellie's 2nd Christmas. We will say it was a culture lesson.

Friday, December 23, 2011

News Update

So we have been extra busy with Christmas parties, shopping, programs, and just the daily routines. Whew! December has been crazy-town! I have been trying desperately to upload some photos of all of the fun we have been having, but an uncooperative computer is to blame for the lack thereof. So here is another lack luster blog update.

  • Ellie participated in her 1st school Christmas program. The program was adorable set around why the Santa's reindeer wouldn't fly on Christmas Eve. She was a little wiggle worm while singing, but I don't think she missed a word to the songs.

  • Just this week, we took Ellie to a live nativity scene in the area. We thought she would like it - petting some animals, walking through the and looking at the sets. Boy, were we mistaken! She showed no interest in it. But...we drive past a home with flashing lights and fully decorated in the spirit of Griswold complete with the plastic light up manger scene and she is in complete awe! I guess we all find the spirit of Christmas in different things from live nativities to plastic and lite up.

  • I have watched "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" no less than 5 times thus far. So happy we now have a DVR.

  • I hosted the ladies at my office for a Christmas party a few weeks ago. We had a wonderful time playing trivia games, bingo, dirty Santa, and laughing until our sides hurt. It was a great time and already cannot wait until next year.

  • We have already had the Harrell Christmas (Jamie's side of the family)-which is always fun! Some of the family live in Middle & East TN and unfortunately with our busy lives we don't see them as often. It is always great to catch up with them all by other means besides Facebook & blogs.

  • This weekend will be crazy with Christmases' with families. But I wouldn't have it any other way. When the time comes that all I have to worry about is the 1 Christmas, it will be a sad day. So, I am soaking up all the craziness I can & enjoying every minute of it!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Post #201 {Randomness}

  • This post is brought to you by a vacation. I have been on vacay all week, and I must say I was so glad it felt like an actually long week. Normally, it seems that vacation weeks fly by ... but not this one. And, for that ... I am thankful.

  • We had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family time, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade (for me nothing starts off the feeling of Thanksgiving & Christmas like the parade), and eating way too much good food :).

  • I didn't do the "Black Friday" Shopping. I actually had to work! I must say this is probably about the 2nd or 3rd year I haven't braved the crowds before reporting to work, and I didn't really miss it. Someone examine my head! I did, however, take advantage of some evening "Black Friday" shopping.

  • Speaking of shopping. I have seemed to do more on-line shopping this year, than previous. I have found pleasure in sitting in my pj's and simply letting my ADD set in & bringing up multiple windows to view & compare products, prices, special offers, etc. It's probably not helping in the being active.

  • Yesterday, I brought lunch to Hubs at work. Well, not only him, but some of his co-workers as well. They called it in...I picked it up. I picked up food at a shady Chinese restaurant. Shady. It was good, and I am glad I didn't actually eat in the restaurant.

  • I have put together an Advent Calender for Ellie. She was asking the other day about presents from us & Santa. WHAT?! I never thought about presents from my parents on Christmas as a child. Santa ruled! Parents could do my birthdays. So, in a effort of trickery I introduced an Advent Calender. There are great ideas on creating these on Pinterest (don't you love it! I need a support group, or an intervention). Some of the gifts are materialistic and some are just family time. Last night, day #24, was a Christmas shirt. I always buy her one every year, so it made it a little more special by wrapping & presenting. She woke up easily this morning so she could go pull a slip. Which said "Wrap Christmas presents & find a Christmas movie on TV". Other ideas include: a Daddy & Daughter date (when I have my coworkers over for a Christmas party), going to a Christmas parade, looking for Christmas lights one evening, having a picnic in the living room, having Breakfast for Dinner. For the little gifts I used the items I normally purchase every Christmas -- Christmas themed books (you can find these for $5 or so at local book stores and even department stores such as Kohl's), winter themed pencils, cheap foam & paint crafts (picked up at the Dollar Tree & Target $ Spot). Nothing expensive, but just a new twist.

  • Tomorrow is Santa Day! Santa will be at Ellie's school for Breakfast w/ Santa, then that evening after the local parade at my office for Cookies & Koolaid w/ Santa. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate for both events to be successful.

  • Our church friends, The Ritters, came home for Thanksgiving from their new home in Oklahoma. It was such a joy to see them, spend time w/ them, and just enjoy catching up on their new life in Oklahoma. I knew I missed them, but you never realize how much until they have to leave again.

  • We had our first of many Christmas parties the weekend after Thanksgiving. As always, the Owens' Christmas party did not disappoint. We played Dirty Bingo - a combo of Dirty Santa & Bingo. It was fun! I will try to sort thru some photos for a post.

I hope I haven't bored you to tears.