Saturday, April 21, 2012

Batter's Up

T Ball Season has begun.  Love the look of determination on her face!
We took an early vacation this year.  Though we may end up regretting it once summer gets going, it was so nice to be able to get away sooner than normal.  We went to PCB just like we did last July, and stayed at a condo resort, Splash.  The weather was perfect - sunny, 80+ degrees, no rain; and the crowds were much smaller than going during "peak season".  No long waits for eating or terrible traffic to deal with.  And...lucky for us it was Ellie's spring break week at school plus Jamie's cousin was getting married on the beach the same weekend.  What a perfect storm!
I didn't take a lot of pictures, in fact, Jamie often reminded me I was leaving without my camera.  I just kind of sat back, relaxed and enjoyed just being there instead of worry about taking pictures.  I did include some of my favorites in the post.  The above is Macy Ruth & Ellie at the wedding.  Though they are actually cousins, then tend to act more like BFF and sisters.  In fact, I have been trying to claim Macy as another child on my tax return. 

 Our little family at the wedding.  It was a tad windy that particular day, but the rest of the time the wind was no where to be found. 
 The happy couple - Congrats Whitney & Nathan! 
And ... one of my favs of our nephew Tripp.  He was the only one that couldn't move fast enough from the camera.  Ellie & Jaxon wanted no part in having their picture taken.