Monday, October 14, 2013

just a little update

Just to let you know what we have been up to these day.  To say life is busier with 2 kids would be an understatement.  I feel like I am always preparing for the next day or event.  Crazy.  Scheduling is def our friend these days. But I wanted to update to keep a record of what's been happening...

Ellie is doing  awesome in the 2nd grade!  She is the top reader in her class and also excels in math.  Keeping her challenged can be difficult at times, but we have finally found something that she has to practice and doesn't come so naturally to her - PIANO.  She has inherited the musical ear from Jamie's side of the family (thank goodness), and can play the piano by ear, but when she has to read the music and figure it out it is a little more challenging to her.  It's a good challenge though.  Bless her piano teacher!  Ellie was chosen as a class favorite by her classmates.  She was very excited.  And, today she has turned 8 years old!  Wow!  We are celebrating this weekend with a skating party with her friends and a family party Sunday afternoon.

Lizzie Kate will be 4 mths old tomorrow.  She is growing and filling out - or as we call it "fluffy".  She has been sick with the hand-foot-mouth virus and she kindly shared with myself and Ellie. She was pitiful and it was no fun!  Her well check visit was today - 24 inches long and 14 lbs 2 oz.  She also has a new RX for Prevacid to deal with spitting up.  Hopefully, this will help with her many fussy issues.  She is rolling over; smiling; and will laugh, but those are rare because she finds very little funny.  She loves bath time, her cereal bottle at night, and is still sleeping through the night.