Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ellie's Field Trip

Today, I took the day off to enjoy Ellie's 1st official field trip! Even though it was messy and rainy, we both enjoyed spending time with her new MDO friends and getting to know some of the parents. The adventure began with a visit to the Obion County Library, which is a wonderful place. It is a newer building that has something for everyone. They have a WONDERFUL children's section, filled with a variety of books, puppets, computers with kid appropriate learning games, and even a castle~which Ellie loves! I wish she could have one in the backyard! While we waited on the rest of her group to get there, we became official members and opened up a library card for her & myself. Ellie walked away with 3 new books to read. Next, it was on to Wee Play which is an indoor inflatable play zone with bouncey houses, huge slides, an obstacle course and more. We just had Ellie's 4th birthday party here a couple of weeks ago, so she was super excited about going back to visit. After jumping around and having fun, we had lunch at McDonald's. And what kid doesn't like McDonald's! She had such a great time & is now taking a much needed nap!

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