Thursday, February 25, 2010

Groovy, Baby!

I am speechless when it comes to describing this picture, so we will analyze it closely.
1. Peppers was not interested in having a pic made, or maybe was embarrassed by the outfit Ellie had created.
2. Ellie has a elastic head band around her head - "Rambo" or hippie style - making her hair wild and crazy.
3. Ellie tried wearing my elastic exercise bands as a belt, vest, accessory of some sorts - her daddy designed the figuration. At least they match her actual outfit - tunic, tights & boots-which is super cute minus all the accessories.
4. the pose - can anyone sing "Walk Like an Egyptian"
BTW-the lamp shade is straight again.

"X" marks the spot

Ellie "the Explorer" decided the other night that she needed to create her own flag, which happens to resemble the Christian flag. She must have one or two of my creative genes. She drew & colored the flags, then taped them to a yard stick-how creative can a 4 year old be?! She then decided to claim the loveseat as her territory, as well as other territories she considers hers. Jamie & I have found the "Ellie flag" in various rooms around the house-very funny :) I grew up in a household where when you got up from a seat & wanted to come back to it, you drew an imaginary "x" on it, but I think I needed Ellie's flags to mark my spot. LOL

Sunday, February 21, 2010

No Boys Allowed (or children)!!

What a wonderful, busy weekend I have had! Jamie & I made a fast trip to the Opry on Friday night, began Saturday morning classes to finish up by August (that-not so great!) and a GIRL'S NIGHT on Saturday night! A Girl's Night is good for my soul, but not my waistline (see the before and after pics of our dessert). Good laughs, good Mexican food, and good times! We are all so busy being mommies, working, going to school, having families, so when we finally all get together - it is much needed! I met these 2 girls in college - we all shared the same hatred : Probs & Stats class! UGH! I still get sick thinking about that class. We would all go to the Mexican resturant after we got out of that class for our venting & bashing session! So, if we go out to eat now, we have to get Mexican. These 2 girls were in my wedding party & we have shared so many memories. Gosh, I love them so much! We are different as night & day-but we all fit together so well & balance one another out! BTW-we all get a different dessert & share - a smorgessboard!

A Night at the Opry

My super sweet hubby surprised me for Valentine's Day with tickets to the Grand Ole Opry! We have talked about wanting to go in the past, neither one of us have ever been, so when he told me what we were doing - I was a little taken back. The Opry House - where the great country music stars have performed and the rising stars long to perform. There is something so nostalgic and totally cool about the Opry. If you haven't been, I really suggest it! We are already wanting to go back!
One of the performers was Riders In The Sky - a western cowboy group (They did Woody's Round Up for Toy Story) I loved this guys tacky tie - yes, it's a cactus! I may get Jamie one to wear Sunday to church.

Craig Morgan - "What I Love About Sundays"

Montgomery Gentry - "There's One in Every Crowd" They ROCKED the house - I would love to go see a whole concert of them! So entergetic!

Mike Snider - a Dresden native and Opry member. He was quite funny!

AHHH! Dierks Bentley.....We saw him in Jackson when he stopped through.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ellie {hearts} chocolate!

Ellie + chocolate pudding = chocolate goatee!

Monday, February 8, 2010

How Do I love thee...

The other day I was quizzing Ellie on what/why she loved us (her parents), just to see what she would say...
Ellie's Top 5 reasons she loves Daddy:
5. Because he lets me bring the trampoline into the living room.
4. Because he changes the batteries in my toys.
3. Because he let me have Peppers (her cat).
2. Because he lets me rub his thumb at bedtime.
and the #1 reason .... He makes me "super duper double chocolate milk!" this one was given to me with LOTS of excitment.

Top 5 reasons she loves Mommy - the jury is still out on this one.
Apparently, her daddy has been "brain washing" her on their days together!

*#*Rockin' Youth Group*#*

Picture this : dark room, black lights, and music. We are all dressed in black that way we are not seen. All this is seen is the white gloved hands which glow in the dark. The song is Casting Crowns - 'Who Am I?'. The above picture is a "flower quickly fading". The bottom picture is "I am YOURS". We have since been able to work up a total of 3 songs & will be getting together a 4th soon! Song suggestions are always wanted!

New Salem Baptist Church's youth group has recently undertaken a project of raising funds for the TN Baptist Children's Home. This children's home is funding solely on funds from the TN Baptist Churches, and has little to no funding from the State. Anyways, this is how the story begins...

Late Summer 2009 - Our VBS theme was "Miracles Under the Big Top" a circus theme that went over some of the miracles Jesus performed (water to wine, walking on water, etc.). With an average attendance of 40 kids, over $1,200 was raised to be donated to the TBCH. We were amazed, astounded! WOW! The youth coordinators decided it would be really special for the kids to actually take the VBS money to the TBCH instead of mailing a check. So, 1 charter bus full of goodies (including popcorn machine & WII) and the check was delievered. At Christmastime, we were able to surpass a set goal fo $2,000 as a church to provide personal gifts for each child at the TBCH. During of all these blessings, the youth group began working on a "Hands of Praise" which is a different type of sign language. We have done the traditional sign language in the past, but this time around we "jazzed it up". We have since taken the show on the road to area churches to perform for their worship service. In our efforts, all we ask is a love offering be taken up to be donated to the TBCH - all money raised goes to the children's home. So far, we have raised over $1,700 between 4 churches. We have all been amazed to say the least to see miracles happen before our eyes & to be apart of something larger than yourself. It is amazing what happens when God uses you in his plan. All that you can do is drop your jaw & go "WOW!".