What a wonderful, busy weekend I have had! Jamie & I made a fast trip to the Opry on Friday night, began Saturday morning classes to finish up by August (that-not so great!) and a GIRL'S NIGHT on Saturday night! A Girl's Night is good for my soul, but not my waistline (see the before and after pics of our dessert). Good laughs, good Mexican food, and good times! We are all so busy being mommies, working, going to school, having families, so when we finally all get together - it is much needed! I met these 2 girls in college - we all shared the same hatred : Probs & Stats class! UGH! I still get sick thinking about that class. We would all go to the Mexican resturant after we got out of that class for our venting & bashing session! So, if we go out to eat now, we have to get Mexican. These 2 girls were in my wedding party & we have shared so many memories. Gosh, I love them so much! We are different as night & day-but we all fit together so well & balance one another out! BTW-we all get a different dessert & share - a smorgessboard!

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