Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let the Egg Hunting begin...

Our 1st of 4 egg hunts began this past weekend with LeeLee's egg hunt. LeeLee is our wonderful babysitter, who by the way makes our yummy birthday cakes as well. This past Saturday was her egg hunt for all the kids that she keeps (school time, summer time, present & past). Above is a picture of our LeeLee with the kiddos.
Ellie & her pal Emily at the egg hunt. Love this picture of both of them.

Looking cool in her shades!

Ellie on wheels

Ellie on wheels is a scary thought! I have always said that her middle name of Grace has never really suited her because she is kind of clumsy. For Christmas, Santa brought her some skates (don't worry they have 3 wheels) so she decided that she needed to begin practicing before hitting the driveway this summer. Complete w/ protective gear - maybe the scratches will be few & far between. She even looks more like a toothpick with her helmet on.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little Picasso

The warmer weather calls for the sidewalk chalk to be broken out! We spent a little time w/ Avery (Ellie still refers to her as "baby Avery") & broke out the sidewalk chalk. Ellie & Avery had the chalk dust from their heads to their toes! Above is a Ellie's drawng of she & Avery...aw, how sweet!
Miss Avery...she kind of resembled a smurf - notice the chalk on her hands & a smuge across her face.

Ellie wanted me to take a picture of her in her "body" (can you say crime scene outline?). I drew her outline & she made the drawing into an astronaut. She has such an active imagination...wonder where she gets that from??

Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat

This past weekend we went to see Jamie's cousin, Mary Beth, perform with the local theater group in the musical "Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat." I must say, it was totally NOT what I was expecting, but is was a nice surpise. I have fallen in love with the Capitol Theater since Mary has been involved in the perfomorances (she had leading roles in "Annie" & "The Wizard of Oz"). The crew always does such a good job with their productions. Ellie went with us... her review of "Joseph" and I quote...."I didn't like it!..Well, maybe the camel." The honesty of a 4 year old!

Ellie hanging on a tree while waiting to enter the Capitol, being the "monkey" she that she it. Love the look of determination with the tongue sticking out.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

love the spring weather....not the sinus infections

The Carsons love some spring time weather - the longer days, the happy yellow buttercups, and warmer weather for fishing...but not the allergy and sinus infections that we are all plagued with - BOOO! Ellie & I are hanging out today at home (thank you sick days!) with snotty noses, sneezing, headaches, and a little upset tummy - I know way TMI! I have been fighting this the weekend & the first part of the week at work & think it has finally caught up with me. So, inbetween blowing my nose, sneezing, popping cold/allergy/sinus meds, I will be "de-germing" the house - FUN!FUN! I guess as busy as I have been (work, finishing school, youth group, being mommy, wife, the list goes on..and on..) I have been really lucky that I have gotten down but a few times. Anyways.....Have a happy Wednesday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Let's Go Racin'!

Jamie & his racin' buddies made a "Guys Only" trip to Atlanta this past weekend to the NASCAR race. They usually do this about 2x during the racing season. Races attended have been Bristol, Talledega, Kansas City, & Atlanta. So...while the guys are away - the girls will play!
In the picture: Jeffery (brother-in-law & ticket hookup), Jamie, & AJ Allmendinger #43 driver, who by the way finished 6th in the Atlanta race.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Ellie had to test the personal radios before her daddy left for the NASCAR race in Atlanta. Checking 1, 2, 3....Check 2, 3

Sunday, March 7, 2010


This is a photo of our Hands of Praise group, or as I often refer to it "HOP" because we have been "HOP"ping all over West TN and KY performing. We had planned to begin "toning it down" because of the upcoming time change & it staying daylight longer, but God has other plans...our March schedule is PACKED!!! Just another reminder to me how everything is on God's time and not mine. We have even begun working on song #4, hoping to preview it later this month when it is cleaned.