Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat

This past weekend we went to see Jamie's cousin, Mary Beth, perform with the local theater group in the musical "Joseph & the Technicolored Dreamcoat." I must say, it was totally NOT what I was expecting, but is was a nice surpise. I have fallen in love with the Capitol Theater since Mary has been involved in the perfomorances (she had leading roles in "Annie" & "The Wizard of Oz"). The crew always does such a good job with their productions. Ellie went with us... her review of "Joseph" and I quote...."I didn't like it!..Well, maybe the camel." The honesty of a 4 year old!

Ellie hanging on a tree while waiting to enter the Capitol, being the "monkey" she that she it. Love the look of determination with the tongue sticking out.

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