Monday, August 30, 2010

Target Practice

Anyone that really knows our family, knows that the guys love their "toys". With cooler temperatures the skeet thrower was brought out, guns loaded and target practice began. (FYI-they are getting ready for dove season). Luckily, we have this big open yard so there was plenty of room for the guys to practice and have mini competitions. So, stay tuned for more hunting pictures because it's here! My hubby - Isn't he a cutie?
Jamie's dad taking aim.

Mason showing them all up!

Yeah - he is beginning to break the girl's hearts.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kitchen Aid {and recipe}

Ellie loves to help in the kitchen. So as I was preparing supper the other night, she found her stool & spot at the counter. On the menu - BBQ Chicken Pizza - yummy!
1 tube of refridgerated pizza crust
cooked chicken (boiled, or you can use the canned chicken)
BBQ sauce
Mozzeralla cheese
Toppings of you choice: red onions, peppers (red, green, yellow), pineapple are some that I normally combine.
Press out the pizza crust evenly onto the cookie sheet/pizza pan. Spread enough BBQ sauce to cover to your liking, top w/ toppings & cheese. Cook as directed on the pizza crust tube.
It is that easy!

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Dear Summer,
We have loved having you around this year. Though you have been unbelievably hot and brought an unusual amount of horseflies, we have enjoyed the long summer days and staying up way past our bedtime. We have spent wonderful family time at the lake, water park, and trips. Summer, you have provided endless entertainment and memories-from Ellie learning to ride her bike w/o training wheels and swimming like a fish. So we say so-long for now & welcome your friend, Autumn.
Until next year - much love - The Carson Clan

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the fair is in town!

THE FAIR IS IN TOWN! One of the best fairs around the area is the Obion County Fair.
Seriously, it has been recognized as such. Ellie loves the fair & loved it even more this year than in years past because she could ride some of the rides by herself, the Miss Independent that she is. While I was at the Jr. Livestock Auction (representing work), she & her daddy hit up most of the rides. 'Round & 'Round on the carousel! Up & Around on the Ferris Wheel. Side Note: Funny story from last year...I am scared of heights & hate the amusement park rides. Last year, I got on this Ferris Wheel, the kiddie one mind you & basically had a heart attack! I rode w/ Mason, who by the way was like 11 & rides anything & everything, & my knuckles were white and I couldn't breathe! Mason still makes fun of me - ha!
All smiles on the race car ride! She was a little upset she didn't get in her favorite race car - the M&M's / Kyle Busch car.
Hang On!

Back To School

I know, I know...I haven't updated the blog in a while (thanks Mom for the reminder-ha!), but we have been busy! My, where does the time go?! By time, I mean summer!
The long summer days have given way to early bedtimes for Ellie. She began her last 1st day of Preschool (Mom's Day Out) this past Tuesday. Jamie & I talked about enrolling her through the school system's Preschool program, which is an all day-every day schedule, but decided that she would go another year at the local Mom's Day Out program provided by a local Baptist Church, which is 2 one-half days a week. Not only does she learn school skills preparing her for K, but she also learns Bible stories as well. She was ready to go Tuesday morning to see her friends & her teachers, as you can see in the above picture. I heard countless times during the summer about how she missed her school friends and teachers. I just hope her love of school continues!

Friday, August 6, 2010

We all have a little "Martha"...

Since being introduced to the world of blogging by Courtney, I have absolutely become smitten. I have found other blogs and websites that have been so interesting to read, apply, and translate into my personal life. Recently, I happened upon some blogs and website that have made it to my "Favorites" list.
I have this "creative gene" that has have a "fix". Though it may not be as prominent as it was at one time, I do still enjoy decorating, re-decorating, creating, re-arranging, etc. Sometimes, my hubby enters a room w/ caution when I get on a "whim". My co-workers nicknamed me "Martha" when I first came on board w/ my organization. Being a working parent, I don't have the time (nor the energy) to create and do as I would sometimes like, so I have to cut it down into smaller, more obtainable weekend or 30 minute projects. My next project is Ellie's room. Her room hasn't been changed or updated since we brought her home from the hospital (which will be 5 years ago in Oct!!!!). I am wanting to redo her space to fit her needs and give her a more grown up feel. I am sure this project will certainly be "blog-worthy". But, back to my new 'Favorites'...I didn't want to keep these to myself, thinking that others would enjoy & be inspired by them.
The Inspired Room
A Soft Place to Land
The Nesting Place
Thrifty Decor Chick
The Stories of A 2 Z
These websites have gotten my creative juices going. So much so, that I finally got around to some smaller projects I have been wanting to do. Please excuse the poor photo quality, but I believe you can get the picture.
I inherited several old broaches from my great grandmother (think church lady w/ big pins on her dress with the matching, big earrings). I have held on to these, not only because they were hers, but because they are beautiful, glittery, sparkly & oh-so girly. I usually put an ornament hook on them & use them on my Christmas tree, but some of them are too small & not as sparkly. I purchased a shadow box frame a few years back at Big Lots (I think) & never used it for whatever project it was intended for. So I grabbed some burlap fabric (just because we all have it laying around-ha!) and stapled it to the back cardboard piece of the frame. Next, I selected the broaches I wanted to use & played around w/ the arrangement until I was satisfied & pinned them through the fabric. And this is the end result...

I am pretty pleased with it. I can re-do the arrangement & pins whenever I get tired of it. I put this on a shelf in my bathroom because it matched the color scheme. After doing that one in no time flat, I found another discarded frame & some louder colored broaches that were perfect for Ellie's room. I simply pulled out the craft paint from another mini-project & dry brushed the frame (yet again) w/ a happy turquoise color. I had scrap fabric left from Ellie's baby bedding & stapled & folded it on the back of the cardboard & added my chosen pieces. I think it turned out very loud & girly - perfect for her upcoming room re-do. I hope that you enjoy these websites.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

She Never Ceases to Amaze...

Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures (the one & only time that I didn’t bring the camera along), but Ellie is always full of surprises & has such a fearless spirit, as I have mentioned in previous posts. This girl is F-E-A-R-L-E-S-S. Last night, we received an invitation to go swimming. I should mention that this was an invitation only because Ellie was harassing and begging for me to call for the invitation. Any-who, during our time at the pool, Ellie decides that she wants to jump off the diving board w/o her floaties or any other safety devise. Not being one to hinder her willingness to try or make her scared, Jamie & I (along w/ other family members) make our way down to the diving board for her to make her plunge. And she did not disappoint… Off she went & up she came & to the ladder she swam... several times. Even though I could feel my breath catch in my throat each time she did it, I was so proud of her and her accomplishment. Her summer has been full of milestones from learning to ride her bike w/o training wheels to learning to swim. Kind of makes me really sad in a sense that she is becoming more and more independent, but she teaches us something new every day. Like do you know where kisses come from? Well, according to Ellie, she goes to the store & eats them so they go to her tummy and she has kisses for mommy & daddy. Oh, to be a child again.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Gateway" to Fun

We spent the weekend in STL w/ my parents & my sister, Paige, and her family. It was so much fun! Instead of going to the Zoo or Grant's Farm, we opted to go to the City Museum, which was recommended by friends & co-workers as a "for-sure" hit for kids! Ellie gave it 2 thumbs up. It was wild, crazy, & quirky. It is full of mazes made from cages, trees, and other objects that are the perfect size for kids (not so much for parents). The rooftop was Ellie's favorite part - complete with huge slides, a Ferris wheel, and leaping pads.
Ellie & Jamie trying not to get wet ...Don't fall in or get hit by the sprinkler!

Ellie is whining that the line is too long?! She is not a very patient child - kind of like me.

Finally! All smiles! The Ferris wheel was on the roof top of the 11th floor.

Ok...she really made my tummy do flips on this thing! It is a caged finale (think top of Russian palace) that you can crawl up in & look over the city sky line. See below picture from the ground...the finale cage is where she was. (Have I ever mentioned that I am scared of heights?)

The City Museum was full of fun, quirky, cage contraptions that are defiantly made for the kids & not adults. These things are hard work to maneuver in & hurt your knees.
And ... Ellie had a meltdown because we left w/o her doing this maze. However, Jaxon & Jeffery did it!
Yes, this is a school bus hanging over the side of the roof & Yes - Ellie went all the way to the front. Jamie & I tried to come up with where she gets her fearless spirit from on the way home ... and, we are still clueless!

Cardinals ballgames were also in order! Jamie, Jeffery, Jaxon & Dad (Guys Night) went to the Friday night game that had a 2+ hour rain delay & didn't get back to the hotel until after midnight! Ellie joined them for the Saturday night game. The Girls decided to take advantage of a "chasing-child free" shopping trip. Of course, Tripp joined us, but he is confined to the stroller (which is handy for packages & purses). And...perhaps the funniest adventure in STL was Mom getting us back to the hotel - in the dark - w/ a GPS which totally confuses her & lots of overpasses over overpasses & bodies of water underneath (none of which she doesn't like). We took a small tour of IL & arrived safely back to the hotel. Paige & I were laughing so hard.
We also hit up Charlie Gitto's restaurant & The Cheesecake Factory - yummy!

Can't you see the excitement of catching the baseball game?! She made it to the 6th inning - big accomplishment for her busy body!

According to Jamie - Ellie temporarily seized the camera to take pictures! I must say - not bad for a 4 year old! As least it wasn't the hair-do of the fan in front of her!

It was a great weekend w/ my family! Can't wait to do it again!