Wednesday, August 4, 2010

She Never Ceases to Amaze...

Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures (the one & only time that I didn’t bring the camera along), but Ellie is always full of surprises & has such a fearless spirit, as I have mentioned in previous posts. This girl is F-E-A-R-L-E-S-S. Last night, we received an invitation to go swimming. I should mention that this was an invitation only because Ellie was harassing and begging for me to call for the invitation. Any-who, during our time at the pool, Ellie decides that she wants to jump off the diving board w/o her floaties or any other safety devise. Not being one to hinder her willingness to try or make her scared, Jamie & I (along w/ other family members) make our way down to the diving board for her to make her plunge. And she did not disappoint… Off she went & up she came & to the ladder she swam... several times. Even though I could feel my breath catch in my throat each time she did it, I was so proud of her and her accomplishment. Her summer has been full of milestones from learning to ride her bike w/o training wheels to learning to swim. Kind of makes me really sad in a sense that she is becoming more and more independent, but she teaches us something new every day. Like do you know where kisses come from? Well, according to Ellie, she goes to the store & eats them so they go to her tummy and she has kisses for mommy & daddy. Oh, to be a child again.

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