No pictures for this post. I know, I know - lots of you like looking at the pictures. But, I promise there will be other posts with pictures. Promise.
"But...What if?" has been living at our house as of late. This is apparently Ellie's new favorite saying. Any comment, remark, questions, conversation has a "But, What if?" attached to it. Like the other night, Ellie & I were on our way home the other night and this was the conversation:
Ellie: "Momma, I'm thirsty." (in the most whiniest Ellie voice)
Me: "Ellie, you are just going to have to wait until we get home. It won't be that long."
Ellie: "Momma, but I'm thirsty!" (add even more drama than the 1st time)
Me: "
Sweetie, I don't have a fridge in the car. You are just going to have to wait. We are almost home."
Ellie: "But, what if we had a fridge in the car?! Then, I would have something to drink."
Me: "Yes, if we did you would have a drink. But, we would be driving an RV instead of our car."
Ellie: "Mom - let's get an RV instead of your car. We can go trade it in."
Luckily, this was a short "But, What if" conversation. Most of the time, these "What
if's" go on for miles until I finally say "no more".