Thursday, September 30, 2010

And Now...

And now the rest of the story (in the best Paul Harvey voice)...
I hope you got some good laughs from the "Blast from the Past" photos - I know I sure did! Some of these photos are courtesy of Nina (aka - Penny for a Picture Photography - ha!) The school was so kind to welcome us back on the outside sign - I always knew we were a special group-ha!
Tailgating before the Homecoming Football game - what a great weekend to have a reunion! The festivities were 2 nights with Friday night being the family-style picnic & Saturday night being the kid-free dinner. My sincere thanks to all of those that had a hand in planning & preparing the event - wonderful job!

The hubs & I ... can I get an "awe" :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Then ...

This past weekend has been 10 years in the making ... 10 year Class Reunion! WOW! It is so hard to believe it has been 10 years - a decade! It was so good to see all the old classmates & catch up with their lives & families. I was especially excited to see all of my old girlfriends that I was so close to during my high school years. Since I don't have a scanner to scan some of the old pictures I have, I was able to "borrow" some that have been posted on our Facebook reunion page. Senior Yearbook page...
Beta Convention - Jr or Senior year. Our talent program was The Wizard of Oz.
Freshman year - Washington DC - standing on the iced over reflection pool at "the mall"
Homecoming - either Junior or Senior year (??)
Senior Year - State Band Competition. I know because of our haircuts - ha! Funny, how hairstyles & clothes tell the ear or time!
Freshman Year - Washington DC - in from of the White House. I am sporting the huge RayBan's again in the middle. I think this was the Freshman band members photo.
I don't know what year this was taken in - I'm guessing Senior year. In the cafeteria w/ Amanda. She is still as sweet & pretty as ever!

Freshman Year - Jan. 1997 - Washington, DC.
Pres. Clinton's 2nd Inauguration
I am the 2nd from the left - long blonde hair (which my hubby wishes I still have), the huge Ray Ban sunglasses & the ear muffs that are super large - ha!
Hope you enjoyed laughing at the styles & such ... I did!
To Be Continued...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hooray for Fall!

We are saying "Hooray for FALL!!".
Our next door neighbor (yes, in the country you have neighbors) grows pumpkins & gourds each year. He displays them in his front yard for sale & the past 2 weeks, he has brightened his yard with the cheery fall colors. This weekend we made trip 1 (of several) trips to check out his crop for sale. If you are in the market for pumpkins, he usually has a large variety & reasonable prices (I can get you directions).Ellie decided she needed to wear her new rain boots pumpkin picking. She sometimes doesn't cooperate w/ looking at the camera. Surely, I'll be able to get better shots on other visits. BTW-these larger pumpkins were priced at just $5! Could you imagine what you would pay somewhere else?! OUCH!

Happy Fall!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here's Looking @ You...

Captured this shot as I was out shooting some barn photos for my final portfolio for Digital Photography class. Can't you just see the mischief in those sweet blue eyes?
Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

But...What if?

No pictures for this post. I know, I know - lots of you like looking at the pictures. But, I promise there will be other posts with pictures. Promise.

"But...What if?" has been living at our house as of late. This is apparently Ellie's new favorite saying. Any comment, remark, questions, conversation has a "But, What if?" attached to it. Like the other night, Ellie & I were on our way home the other night and this was the conversation:
Ellie: "Momma, I'm thirsty." (in the most whiniest Ellie voice)
Me: "Ellie, you are just going to have to wait until we get home. It won't be that long."
Ellie: "Momma, but I'm thirsty!" (add even more drama than the 1st time)
Me: "Sweetie, I don't have a fridge in the car. You are just going to have to wait. We are almost home."
Ellie: "But, what if we had a fridge in the car?! Then, I would have something to drink."
Me: "Yes, if we did you would have a drink. But, we would be driving an RV instead of our car."
Ellie: "Mom - let's get an RV instead of your car. We can go trade it in."

Luckily, this was a short "But, What if" conversation. Most of the time, these "What if's" go on for miles until I finally say "no more".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Sound of Music

No, I am not referring to the movie (that I have never seen), but for marching band season! Ahh! I love it! Yes, I would probably be considered a "band geek" today, but in high school being in the band was considered anything but geeky. During my 4 years in marching band, I suffered through scorching hot July temps for camps, did countless push ups, and walked so many miles between the school & fields that it would probably be very close to the miles traveled by Lance Armstrong in the Tour. looking back I loved it! I had the privilege to travel to play Washington D.C. during Pres. Clinton's 2nd Inauguration on the parade route & to march in the Fiesta Bowl Parade in Pheonix. Normally, local bands take 1 big trip every 3-4 years, but I got lucky with 2 trips. Also, I made some of the best friends in band & we stuck together all during high school. Oh, and that is where I met my hubby, but that would be a different post.
So, this year I am gearing up for band competitions & football games to see Jamie's cousin, Mary Beth, march with the 2x (or is it 3?) Tennessee Division II State Champs Gibson Co. Marching Pioneers! Can you tell I'm just a little excited? I love going to the competitions to see the creative field shows that each school has to offer. I am also hoping Ellie will fall in love with it too! She has inherited her daddy's musical ear (basically his whole family is musically talented), which I hope opens lots of doors for her in the future. GC's band show this year is titled "In Flight Entertainment" which is pretty creative. The above picture, if you can tell, is the outline of an airplane and the audience travels through music as you board the plane, see the natural wonders, watch a movie and finally arrive in Memphis. Believe me, these songs are as different as day light & dark, so the only way to tie them together would be an airplane flight.
Hopefully, I will be feeling well enough (still recouping from having wisdom removed, which I must say is the worst diet I have ever been on) to travel to their 1st competition this weekend! Wishing all the local band luck this weekend, but especially GC!

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Hunting We Will Go...

Dove Season 2010 opened on Wednesday to lots of 4-wheeler motors, gun shots, and an occasional yell. The preparation of the sunflower field apparently paid off for the hunt as it was a great success. Ellie & Macy were excited to go hang out w/ their dads on this day. Ellie is sporting her Goodwill Camo vest that was found to wear on this occasion by her Jenner (Jennifer). The girls loaded & ready to go in the back of the truck.
Yes, Ellie is sitting on our golf cart. Who says it can only be used for the golf course?

And "Farmer Brent" (the one w/ the ducks) came to join in on the fun. Geez, Brent-just how many birds are you planning on today w/ all those boxes of shells?! :)

None the Wiser...

It has been a day that I have put off for a long time. Like NEVER would have been the perfect time for this day to happen. But unfortunately, the day came. The day that not only I dreaded, but my hubby as well (cause I am a big baby). The day the Wisdom Teeth came out! OMG! Yesterday was D-day for me :( I decided to do it on Labor Day weekend that way I would get an "extra day" of rest for the Federal Holiday. Right now, I am certainly glad I did it because the pain is mind-hurting! Rotations between ice packs & heating pads seem to lessen the swelling & pain for a few minutes, and a wonderful hubby who is taking such good care of me. Who knew he could make milkshakes - he, apparently, has been holding out on me. But, right now, though the wisdom teeth bothered me, I was really attached to them and they didn't cause me this much pain. So, to all of you that has called, prayed, and come by to visit - thanks! I sure could feel the prayers calming my nerves yesterday morning as I walked into the oral surgery office when all I wanted to do was turn around & run!