Friday, September 3, 2010

A Hunting We Will Go...

Dove Season 2010 opened on Wednesday to lots of 4-wheeler motors, gun shots, and an occasional yell. The preparation of the sunflower field apparently paid off for the hunt as it was a great success. Ellie & Macy were excited to go hang out w/ their dads on this day. Ellie is sporting her Goodwill Camo vest that was found to wear on this occasion by her Jenner (Jennifer). The girls loaded & ready to go in the back of the truck.
Yes, Ellie is sitting on our golf cart. Who says it can only be used for the golf course?

And "Farmer Brent" (the one w/ the ducks) came to join in on the fun. Geez, Brent-just how many birds are you planning on today w/ all those boxes of shells?! :)

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