You are probably wondering about the title. I know, Halloween is known for witches, ghosts, goblins and other evil spirits ... but Pleasant Hill (Rives/Troy) had a different twist. One evening this past week, we took the kiddos to their Bible Journey and they L-O-V-E-D it. It was a wonderful twist on the traditional trick or treating. Visitors were able to journey through the Old & New Testament with different "scenes". The characters told their short story & gave the kids candy that tied in with the story - so creative & fun! The kids (and Joy) couldn't wait to get to the next place. A total of 14 characters/stories were visited:
1. Eve (The Garden) - apple gum
2. Noah (The Ark) - animal crackers
3. Jonah (& the Whale) - Whale crackers
4. Samson - "strength" bracelet
5. Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego - Red Hots
6. Davis/Goliah - Whoppers (for the whopper of the rock)
7. Daniel (the Lion's den) - Kit-Kats
8. Manger Scene - Almond Joy (joy that Jesus brought) & Starburst (for the star)
9. Peter (walking on water) - "walking w/ Jesus" gummies
10. Zacchaeus - Runts (b/c he was small)
11. Woman at the Well - water
12. Mary/Martha/Lazarus - M & M's (for Mary & Martha) & Raisins (for raising Lazarus from the dead)
13. John the Baptist - Dove candies
14. Jesus - Lifesavers

Ellie (Granny notice the pink boots), Macy, Julia, & Harrison after their journey...

The Noah's Ark scene - lots of time, effort & details put in to making it look authentic.

Heaven & the Pearly gates
Zaccheaus - yes, he is sitting in a tree

Peter & walking on the water. Yes, the boat was that big!
And Yes...this will become an annual event :)