Sunday, October 31, 2010


Treating ...

Ellie decided she wanted to be a fairy this year. She walked away with a bag full of candy & goodies from treating. We began late afternoon to go visit my side of the family & ended up back at church to participate in the Trunk & Treat and fall fest. Members decorated their trunks & tailgates for the children to visit & trick or treat. Participates voted for their favorite decorated truck by placing money in designated jars - all proceeds benefiting the Tenn Bapt. Children's Home. I so enjoy this - it saves us from driving all around town to visit each home individually. The above picture is of Ms. Datrice's vehicle. She is Ellie's Sunday School teacher & faithful reader of the blog. Besides eating & treating, fun & games were had by all. Bingo for the adults and scavenger hunts for the kids & young at heart. Jamie & I were asked to be drivers of a team - and guess what?! Our team WON! (Que music - Queen "We are the Champions"). It was so much fun!

And this morning we woke up to this...
Fortunately for us, we know the culprits of the large supply of TP in our yard.
Unfortunately for them, I grew up w/ the biggest prankster of them all - my Dad. So I will be taking his philosophy to heart:
"Don't get mad & Don't get even...Get Ahead!"
Be afraid - be very afraid!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

how to carve a pumpkin

Step by Step Instructions By Ellie Grace...
Step 1: go w/ Mom to the neighbor's pumpkin patch to pick out the 1st pumpkin you see - which happens to be "lop-sided"
Step 2: ask a billion + 1 times "when can we carve the pumpkin?"
Step 3: get daddy to cut the top w/ the biggest knife in the house.Step 4: beginning digging out the "brains" until you splatter the goop everywhere & mom finally takes over.
Step 5: now that you have been removed from the "pumpkin surgery" begin doing cartwheels in the living room.
Step 6: inform your mother that she is not doing it correctly and demonstrate how the face needs to be carved
Step 7: put a light in your new friend - "Jacky-O"

Or Mom's Version - involves goop & cutting of pumpkins

Find the "cute sized" pumpkins - grab a paint brush & paint and some ribbon.

Ta-da! A whole lot faster

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do you like my background?

Because I am undecided ... hum...

Happy "Holy"ween

You are probably wondering about the title. I know, Halloween is known for witches, ghosts, goblins and other evil spirits ... but Pleasant Hill (Rives/Troy) had a different twist. One evening this past week, we took the kiddos to their Bible Journey and they L-O-V-E-D it. It was a wonderful twist on the traditional trick or treating. Visitors were able to journey through the Old & New Testament with different "scenes". The characters told their short story & gave the kids candy that tied in with the story - so creative & fun! The kids (and Joy) couldn't wait to get to the next place. A total of 14 characters/stories were visited:
1. Eve (The Garden) - apple gum
2. Noah (The Ark) - animal crackers
3. Jonah (& the Whale) - Whale crackers
4. Samson - "strength" bracelet
5. Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego - Red Hots
6. Davis/Goliah - Whoppers (for the whopper of the rock)
7. Daniel (the Lion's den) - Kit-Kats
8. Manger Scene - Almond Joy (joy that Jesus brought) & Starburst (for the star)
9. Peter (walking on water) - "walking w/ Jesus" gummies
10. Zacchaeus - Runts (b/c he was small)
11. Woman at the Well - water
12. Mary/Martha/Lazarus - M & M's (for Mary & Martha) & Raisins (for raising Lazarus from the dead)
13. John the Baptist - Dove candies
14. Jesus - Lifesavers
Ellie (Granny notice the pink boots), Macy, Julia, & Harrison after their journey...
The Noah's Ark scene - lots of time, effort & details put in to making it look authentic.

Heaven & the Pearly gates

Zaccheaus - yes, he is sitting in a tree

Peter & walking on the water. Yes, the boat was that big!
And Yes...this will become an annual event :)

Friday, October 22, 2010


Recently, I was able to join Ellie on a field trip to the Todd Family Fun Farm in Yorkville, TN. Famous for their annual Washer Pitchin' Contest, Yorkville, a very small town, is where I went to elementary/jr. high school. Even though I have ties to the town, this was my first trip to the fun farm and I was pretty impressed. It had lots to offer! We went through the small corn maze (they have another for older kids that is larger), saw pig races, raced ducks, played in grain bins of corn and beans, played in cotton trailers, hayrides, and Ellie's favorite part was the huge slide. I would highly recommend it for school field trips or to take a church youth group. I would also suggest you wear clothes that dust & dirt can handle as well as an allergy pill (or 2)! Ellie and her school friends had a wonderful time. Sorry some of the pictures are smaller, but there were so many I wanted to post w/o taking up so much room.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


This past weekend, we celebrated Ellie's 5th Birthday Party! Wow! It is so hard to believe that she is already 5! She thinks she is now going to "big school" and no longer to preschool because she is 5 - but that is a different story.
Ellie wanted to have a hayride for her party this year, so to go along w/ an outdoor theme I used owls, but with a little twist by using bright colors-mostly orange & pink with accents of other colors. I took advantage of our local library's di-cut room. They have a huge selection of di-cuts from letters, shapes, animals, and anything else that you can imagine, plus it is free to use them-all you have to bring is the paper. I was able to cut the birthday banner, the tags for the favors, and the little owls. I painted sticks from the yard with hot pink & orange spray paint stuck them in glass jars and hung the owls from for the table centerpieces. It was easy & cheap - my kind of decor! And, thanks to our babysitter, who happens to make our birthday cakes as well.
Loading up for the hayride. Special Thanks to the local gin for allowing us to use their cotton trailer. Ellie wants to say thank you to everyone who was able to attend her party. You made her day extra special!

Not only was this past weekend Ellie's party, but her parent's 6th anniversary. Jamie treated me to an extra special dinner of grilled hot dogs & a nice hayride - ha!
Special loves to my wonderful hubby-can't wait to see what special date you have planned next year :) (No worries-we have plans at a later date)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What I Should Be Doing...

I should be snuggled in bed enjoying the sleep that I so crave and recharging for Ellie's 5th birthday party tomorrow night (that I really haven't planned as I normally have in the past) but instead I have developed a fast addiction to a fun, creative and a time vacuum website. My mind is whirling with idea on this...LOVE IT! Don't ask me how I find these sites, I wonder throughout the blogs I follow to link up with some crazy addictions. I will probably be entering myself into a 12 step self-help group very soon.
I would love this on a canvas or in a frame to put in our living room ...
Maybe for Ellie's room...

Or create as unique, personalized Christmas presents ... (Family members that follow this blog turn your head & close your eyes ... and no "borrowing" the idea)

The 1st step to recovery is admitting you have a problem ...
"Hi! My name is Brooke. And I am addictted to creative, fun websites."
Good Night!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rewind 5 years

5 years ago, I went to bed as normal on a Thursday night. Jamie was working 3rd shift. As I was snuggled deep in the covers, I was awaken around 2 or 3 am by a terrible pain in my lower back. It was tightening feeling that would last for a few seconds (though it felt like minutes), then would ease up. But a short time later, the pain was back. "Oh no" I thought to myself. This is just great. After I realize what was going on & happening, I call Jamie in a sheer panic. No, he doesn't rush home with flashers on or send out the rescue squad, but instead finishes his shift, with frequent calls to get updates. When he arrives home, off to the hospital we go - praying that they wouldn't send me home. To say I was would be an understatment. After that I really don't remember but bits & pieces - Let's just say the drugs were GOOD!:) But, at 4:43 pm on Friday, Oct. 14, 2005, we became the proud parents of a special little girl we name Ellie Grace. And, our lives haven't been the same since. So, as well celebrate her 5th Birthday tomorrow & a party this weekend, I did several lists of "5's".

5 Things (among many) Ellie has taught us:
1. We could be millionaires if we ever figure out how to bottle her energy & sell it!
2. Fish language for chocolate milk. (Bloop, bloop-bloop, bloop)
3. We can now recite, sing, remember, and growl at the repeat cartoons that we watch over. and over. and over.
4. Chocolate Milk & a band-aid will make boo-boo's, scratches, etc. better faster than anything else. It's like magic I tell ya'.
5. She is full of surprises - you never know what she is going to say, do, repeat, and try. From spelling words (btw she is now spelling 'elephant') to telling the preacher she "doesn't like him". Sometimes she needs to come with a disclaimer or sensor (wonder where she gets that from? hummm...)

5 Things (among many) I love about Ellie:
1. She has her daddy's "Carson" eyes - seriously, they are heart breaker set.
2. Her fearless spirit - she isn't usually scared or timid about trying new rides at the fair or amusement park. Now trying new food on the other hand is quite a challenge.
3. Her imagination - it seems to be boundless
4. Her "smarts" - she is always learning something new & usually figures problems out pretty quickly.
5. Her hugs & kisses - which are the biggest, bestest, lovingest in the whole wide world.

5 Things (among many) I have learned from being a parent:
1. Instruction books aren't needed when you have wonderful grandparents.
2. Vick's vapor rub when consumed by a 6 month old (who somehow managed to unscrew the top) is not poisonous.
3. One of the hardest experiences is watching your heart walk outside your body.
4. A bad day can be made better by curling up with the favorite blanket and watch the same cartoons over. and over. and over.
5. You never get tired of rocking - even if they have long legs that stretch over the arm of the chair

Sunday, October 10, 2010

On the Go

This weekend has been super busy! Perk to working in the financial industry - Federal Holidays :), so I get an extra day to recoup.
Our weekend began Friday afternoon when Jamie & Ellie tagged along w/ "Farmer Brent" to find new ducks to bring to his pond. I wish I could have gone along for the ride because the pictures & the stories are something. Apparently, the breeders (I guess you call duck farmers that) had a huge set up complete w/ ponds, bridges, and an amazing selection & variety of birds. After their adventure to "Duck Land", Brent's wife & I met up with them at a local restaurant for some great conversation & food.
Our day Saturday was full as well! After work (yes, I actually worked a Saturday), we hit up the Davy Days festivities in Rutherford. For those of you not familiar w/ the Davy Days or the town of Rutherford - it celebrates it's heritage of being the last home of Davy Crockett (before the Alamo) each October. The town plans week-long activities ending on Saturday with a huge parade. This year's parade required lots of water - it was HOT (I thought this was suppose to be October!!)

And Saturday night we celebrated Tripp's 1st Birthday!!! WOW!! Hard to believe the little guy is already ONE! He is so stinkin' cute & funny - and busy! Here he is taking a little break from digging into his cake - sugar overload can wear a little guy out! (BTW - He loved the icing. He is his mother's child & inherited her sweet tooth)

So an extra day to recoup from the weekend is in order...This week promises to be just a busy - Ellie's birthday (CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CHICK IS 5?!?!) and celebrated #6 w/ the hubs (Double WOW!)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cheesin' over Macaroni

Ellie's beloved cat, Peppers, has been MIA for over a week. After looking high & low for Peppers, Ellie sweet talked her daddy into another cat. So, this week we visited a co-worker of Jamie's to get Ellie another kitten. Luckily, it was not a difficult decision in choosing her new kitten as all the kitten were yellow/golden in color & the son of the house had laid claim to a few in the litter. However as easy as it was to choose the kitten, she did have a difficult task of giving her new buddy a name. The kitten has marking on his forehead that form the letter "M" so we felt it would be appropriate for his name to begin with the same letter. I introduce to you the newest member of our family - "Macaroni" or "Mac" for short. Apparently, we must be hungry when choosing names for our pets. And, no I am not planning on getting him a playmate named "Cheese" ha!