Saturday, October 30, 2010

how to carve a pumpkin

Step by Step Instructions By Ellie Grace...
Step 1: go w/ Mom to the neighbor's pumpkin patch to pick out the 1st pumpkin you see - which happens to be "lop-sided"
Step 2: ask a billion + 1 times "when can we carve the pumpkin?"
Step 3: get daddy to cut the top w/ the biggest knife in the house.Step 4: beginning digging out the "brains" until you splatter the goop everywhere & mom finally takes over.
Step 5: now that you have been removed from the "pumpkin surgery" begin doing cartwheels in the living room.
Step 6: inform your mother that she is not doing it correctly and demonstrate how the face needs to be carved
Step 7: put a light in your new friend - "Jacky-O"

Or Mom's Version - involves goop & cutting of pumpkins

Find the "cute sized" pumpkins - grab a paint brush & paint and some ribbon.

Ta-da! A whole lot faster

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!

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