Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Help Me Choose a Christmas Card!

We decided to take family photos on what perhaps might have been the windiest day in West TN! There was lots of pushing hair out of face, eating of our hair (well, Ellie & myself), and “wind-blown “hair do’s. Special “Thanks” to my pal Lindsey for taking our pictures. Now that the photo day is out of the way, the hard part of picking out the perfect Christmas card.

As I have become more familiar w/ what is referred to as “Blogland”, I kept reading blog posts of an awesome deal from Shutterfly. I must confess that I personally have never used Shutterfly, but do know family and friends that have and they give it rave reviews. I visited their website & was immediately overwhelmed with their selection and products – WOW! I was smitten w/ several of their products and blown away by their unique and eye-catching selection of Christmas cards they are offering this year. I found a few “perfect Christmas card” possibilities (believe me, narrowing these down to some of my favorites was not an easy task):
I have been eyeing the collage cards this year & I am loving this one. It is so "southern" with the monogram...
or this one - sort of retro in style and simple....

or simple and elegant like this one ...

Or this with the untraditional color combo of brown & lime ...

This going to be a tough decision. Not only does Shutterfly offer cards, but calendars, photo books, and other great ideas that would make super Christmas!

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