I need more time and more energy in my days. I have slacked on blogging (my apologies), the house is in total chaos, and I seem to keep getting further behind.
But ... today we were finally able to somewhat put El's room back together. (sorry for the dark photos, but I was working during daytime hours).

On another note, we just returned from a 3 day trip in Nashville. I had to attend for business, so luckily we were able to visit Court & family while up there. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos of the great time with them, but Ellie enjoyed play time w/ Max - who is super funny! And to end a fabulous trip, we took Ellie to Build-a-Bear for the 1st time - her new friend's name is "Olivia Lou" (see above photo - middle stuffed animal).
Ellie is still enjoying gymnastics & she is signed up for t-ball this spring, which will be interesting to say the least.