Saturday, February 26, 2011

Not Enough Time in the Day (Part 2)

I need more time and more energy in my days. I have slacked on blogging (my apologies), the house is in total chaos, and I seem to keep getting further behind.
But ... today we were finally able to somewhat put El's room back together. (sorry for the dark photos, but I was working during daytime hours).
I am really liking her "grown-up" room. Her bed was a great find - from my Granny! She got the iron bed originally for her home, but found another that she liked better ... so she gave this one for the benefit of Ellie's room. A couple coats of Rust-o-lem Hammered White spray paint (approx. 4 cans), new mattress, and her quilt (purchase months ago from jcp online) = 1 happy little girl later. The canvas is courtesy of aunt Jenner (given to her on a birthday), so I was glad that we are still able to use it in her room redo. I am still on the hunt for a new dresser for her room.
On another note, we just returned from a 3 day trip in Nashville. I had to attend for business, so luckily we were able to visit Court & family while up there. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos of the great time with them, but Ellie enjoyed play time w/ Max - who is super funny! And to end a fabulous trip, we took Ellie to Build-a-Bear for the 1st time - her new friend's name is "Olivia Lou" (see above photo - middle stuffed animal).
Ellie is still enjoying gymnastics & she is signed up for t-ball this spring, which will be interesting to say the least.

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