Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Beach {Day 5}

On our final day at the beach we took a boat ride to Shell Island, to find the perfect shells to take home & look for sand dollars. The boat ride was ok on the way there. The kids were entertained by the seagulls literally snatching Cheetos from their outreached hands. Once there we hit the island. I believe the next time we go we will figure out how to lounge on the island for most of the day. It was so secluded and peaceful. Jeffery did find a small, but whole sand dollar, but it fell to pieces with the least bit movement. We did see lots of these little guys ... not much hunting required.

The ride back however was not as enjoyable. The captain decided to take us out from the bay and into the Gulf to search for dolphins. I know he meant well and wanted his passengers to get the most bang for the hard earned dollars, but it was exhausting. I have never felt sea sick before, but I did this time, as well as others. He kept idling doing figure 8's in the water. I just kept my eye on the shoreline. Luckily, no one got sick that I knew of, but that ride is over for us. We did however find the dolphins - a mother & her baby. Jaxon & Ellie really liked to see them as well as a sunken ship from a recent hurricane. We did more laying out at the beach and ended up ordering pizza that evening.

Some other notable vacation adventures:

  • Tripp tossing a cola over the rail from the 17th floor. Fortunately, no one was in the pool below or injured.

  • Ellie accidentally dropped her flip-flop from the 17th floor right into the swimming pool. "Watch out below! Splash" We had to go retrieve it.

  • Jeffery bailing out the auto to put some punk kids in place for tail gating on his bumper on their rented mopeds. Priceless.

  • Going into a store "Everything's $1" to hear the recorded announcer, who sounded worse than Ben Stein, repeat "Everything's $1; No need to pay $5 for those spoons; We need a price check on aisle 5, never mind because everything's $1"

It was a wonderful trip and we are already planning next year's beach adventure.

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