Friday, November 25, 2011

Decisions? Decisions?

One of the hardest decisions I love to make regarding Christmas is the style/type of Christmas card will be arriving in the mailboxes of relatives and loved ones. I always send a photo card and always find it difficult to make the decision not only with the chosen photo, but the card that fits the photo. This year the decision may be as difficult as every with the wide selection I have found via Tiny Prints. Oh. My. Goodness. The crazy amount of photo cards available - the colors, the style, the number of photos ... the ideas are too good to be true. Here are some that caught my eye...

I have a good idea of the photo I want to do (if I get around to taking it & my daughter cooperates). So, I think that these 1st two options would be perfect choices.

I love this one because it can easily hang on the Christmas tree (maybe year after year), or from a cabinet knob. So cute! And unique! This card caught by eye because of the simple, retro feel. If only it would snow like this where I live for a "White Christmas".

One word ... Chevron (pattern). Love the wild, colorful, and playful card. It reminds me of our summer and one of those photos would coordinate well, if my original idea doesn't happen.

And, this card recaps the favorite memories from 2011. How great to give a glimpse of a wonderful year to loved ones. And, you can see how the little ones have changed/grown up throughout the year.

With hundreds of options to choose from, this decision could take a while.

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