Monday, July 30, 2012

Christmas in July?

We took a mini trip this past weekend to Holiday World.  We were lucky enough to be the highest bidder at the local school's fall festival auction for some tickets.  And, we were able to take Jamie's cousins, Macy Ruth and Mason, along for the fun.  As my hubby told me during the trip ... "It's a good thing they came because you are a 'park pooper'."  Yep, that's right, I do not ride roller coasters and the like.  Not. Interested. But, I love watch others do it.  We had a great time!  If you have never been, I would recommend it.  There are 2 parks in 1 - the amusement park and the water park.  There is plenty for the whole family - from the little ones to the big kids.  I was impressed with the cleanliness of the park.  And, there are free fountain drinks to help cool off.  Jamie is already planning on returning next year.  

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