Sunday, August 19, 2012

Beth Moore Live!

Have you heard of Beth Moore?  If you haven't, I suggest you find the nearest Lifeway Christian Bookstore or go on line a find her.  I have completed 2 of her DVD Bible Studies and they were equally wonderful.  So when our church ladies heard that she would be in Knoxville in August, we signed up without any hesitation.  I am so glad I went - it was AMAZING!  13,000+ women in the Thompson Bowling area at UT-Knox, with Travis Cottrell (btw - he is at Englewood Baptist in Jackson, TN) with his choir from his church - it was all "just too much" as Mrs. Moore would say!  It was an indescribable experience.  Though I have so enjoyed her DVD studies, and will continue them, it is no comparison seeing her in action.  She is truly using her God-given talent.

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