Anyone that knows my "Granny Annie" knows that she is full of infinite knowledge & wisdom. Pretty much...anything she says is pretty close to the "Gospel", in my opinion. She is known as "Granny" not only to her family, but to church family & friends as well. In her office (yes, she still works full time for the State of TN 40+ years) she is know as "The Queen". This past Christmas, I requested a personal gift from her - a handwritten book with all of her sayings, advice, etc. So, I decided to share some "Granny Wisdom" ENJOY!
1. "the real person stays at home in a cage" meaning the "public people" aren't necessarily the "real people"
2. "dust is a protective cover for furniture." Oh, how my Granny does believe in this one. Not that her house is not cleaned, nor well kept - she absolutly HATES dusting. As she says - I'd rather scrub the floor w/ a toothbrush as to break out the dust rag.
3. "Raising kids is like being pecked to death by a chicken" I know..laugh. Seriously, she has this hanging in her office at work - no kidding! I guess she should know since she is the mother of 3. As I am raising my daughter, this phrase comes to mind more often.
4. "pull up your big girl panties". whining & crying doesn't usually do anything for a problem.
5. " You have to suffer to be beautiful". Oh, how I remember this phrase when I was younger. She recited this phrase to me soooo many times as I was complaining about how long it would take for her to perm or highlight my hair when I was younger. I think I may have even gotten a few extra pokes in the ear for my complaining.
But, perhaps one of her favorites is - "Have I told you lately how nice it is living by yourself?"
Thanks Granny for your words of wisdom. BTW - I need to give my book back so you can add to your project.