Friday, April 30, 2010

Peanuts & Crackerjacks

Baseball Season is here! The ballgames have been on the nightly TV schedule at our house. Jamie is a huge ATL Braves fan - has been since his childhood. Yes, he has been catching a lot of grief from my side of the family, who happen to be huge STL Cardinals fans. But not only are the major league ballgames on our minds, but the minor leagues so to speak - T-Ball season! Our nephew, Jaxon, is playing T-Ball again this year - and is eat up with it. He takes it serious! We went to watch him play this past week ... Ellie getting ready to enjoy the game with her stylin' sunglasses. Actually, all she really wanted to do is play on the cool playground.
Jamie trying to convert Tripp to a ATL Braves fan! :)

Jaxon after his game - he even hit a HOMERUN!

Bring on the peanuts & crackerjacks - it's baseball season!

I Like Your Horse ...

A few weeks ago, Ellie stayed with Memama & Granddaddy (Jamie's grandparents) while our regular babysitter was off. When she goes there - not only do they spoil her rotten by giving her an unlimited supply of chocolate milk and waiting on her hand & foot, but also saddling up the horse for a quick ride around the yard. She began planning her day with Granddaddy earlier in the week and reminded him numerous times throughout the day that he promised her a horse ride. So Granddaddy being true to his word saddled up "Shorty" for a ride. Ellie loves Granddaddy's horses - he has 3 (Shorty, Sam, & Dixie). Who needs the pony rides at the fair??

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dega Bound

Jamie had a "guys weekend" at Talladega Speedway with Jeffery & Mr. Joey. The weather was great for Sunday racing after the storms that moved through on Saturday. The weekend adventure included grocery store tours as well, which was a 1st for Jamie (I think). You see, Mr. Joey is the owner of a local grocery store chain & likes to check out the competition even if the competition is in AL. LOL :) (You know you are smiling Mr. Joey)
Ellie was super excited not only to have her daddy back home, but because Daddy also brought back a special present - a Kyle Bush tshirt. Ellie LOVES Kyle Bush because she LOVES M&M's (that is the only reason). She asked me the other day - "Mom, is there a Hershey Kiss car? Because, if there were, I would like that one too!" She picks her favorites with a "sweet tooth" apparently. LOL

lazy weekend

We spent this past stormy weekend w/ my parents - hanging out & watching the weather. Jamie went to 'Dega' to the races, so Ellie & I have had a girls weekend :). Above is a pic of my dad w/ Ellie body slammin' him. When she goes to the grandparent's house (either side) she is treated like the Princess, she thinks she is.
Ever since Ellie was really little she has always gotten under the ottoman in my parents living room. I guess she was a little over 1 year old when we got to looking for her & finally found her under there. Well, she can still fit under it & believe me there is not much space under there.

So what better place that under the ottoman to take a nap?! I can NEVER get her to take a nap on the weekends -- maybe I should invest in an ottoman w/ just enough space for an Ellie.

We also went to see my sister, Paige, & her boys - Jaxon & Tripp. Ellie loves Jaxon, or as she used to say when she was smaller - Jackin. Tripp is filling out & loves baby food! I cannot believe how much he has grown! I was able to get this picture of the 3 of them - love the look on Tripp's face (deer in headlights).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

hello spring!!

on parade ...

Afternoon playtime with Macy Ruth & Ellie is never a dull moment. Cowgirl Ellie in a wagon pulled by the Barbie Jeep w/ Macy driving - scary situation!

who needs a playground?

Who needs a playground when Patrick is around?? Not us!
This past weekend, Patrick (Jamie's long time friend) came home for a - you will never believe this - BABY SHOWER!!! Yep - he & his wife, Leona, are expecting their 1st child - Penelope - in June. Oh my - Patrick with a kid!! That will never be a dull moment. My guess is the Daddy Patrick will need as much discipline as little Penelope. Patrick got some practice play time in with Ellie & Kailey (daughter of another friend). Both girls by the way are smitten with Patrick. From playing hide & seek to shooting w/ nerf guns - there were lots of laughs and squeals all night. We are sooo excited about another baby - especially another girl - joining the clan! Can't wait to meet her in June!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wise Words ...

Anyone that knows my "Granny Annie" knows that she is full of infinite knowledge & wisdom. Pretty much...anything she says is pretty close to the "Gospel", in my opinion. She is known as "Granny" not only to her family, but to church family & friends as well. In her office (yes, she still works full time for the State of TN 40+ years) she is know as "The Queen". This past Christmas, I requested a personal gift from her - a handwritten book with all of her sayings, advice, etc. So, I decided to share some "Granny Wisdom" ENJOY!
1. "the real person stays at home in a cage" meaning the "public people" aren't necessarily the "real people"
2. "dust is a protective cover for furniture." Oh, how my Granny does believe in this one. Not that her house is not cleaned, nor well kept - she absolutly HATES dusting. As she says - I'd rather scrub the floor w/ a toothbrush as to break out the dust rag.
3. "Raising kids is like being pecked to death by a chicken" I know..laugh. Seriously, she has this hanging in her office at work - no kidding! I guess she should know since she is the mother of 3. As I am raising my daughter, this phrase comes to mind more often.
4. "pull up your big girl panties". whining & crying doesn't usually do anything for a problem.
5. " You have to suffer to be beautiful". Oh, how I remember this phrase when I was younger. She recited this phrase to me soooo many times as I was complaining about how long it would take for her to perm or highlight my hair when I was younger. I think I may have even gotten a few extra pokes in the ear for my complaining.
But, perhaps one of her favorites is - "Have I told you lately how nice it is living by yourself?"
Thanks Granny for your words of wisdom. BTW - I need to give my book back so you can add to your project.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fishin' Season

We have gone from hunting season to fishing season. Jamie went up to our place at KY Lake this weekend to go fishing with his buddies. I can't wait to get up there myself when it gets warmer for the water. With Jamie fishing this weekend, Ellie caught the fever too. Today, she & her daddy went to a pond to try their luck.
Ellie is holding a bass that her daddy caught. I believe at this point Jamie said she was going "Here Daddy, you take it."

Ellie waiting...she actually caught a crappie - or as she told me - "I caught a crab, Mommy!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Weather Report : FLIP FLOPS

The Weatherman said is was going to be warm, so we repainted toenails & put on the new flip flops - thanks Lana for the "high heel" flops (they are wedged). At Ellie's request - we had to paint each toe a different color. She wanted each all 1o painted different colors, but I talked her into making them "match" and be symmetrical. I see mommy - daughter pedies in our future - that should be "blog worthy." :)

"Hoppy Easter"

Happy Easter from the Carson Clan! It was a wild & busy weekend for our household, but I can't complain about the weather - which was beautiful! It was sunny, warm, and so nice outside...I really cannot remember the last Easter where the weather was perfect. Normally, we are freezing in our spring frock. I always love Easter weekend - the beginning of spring, all the egg searching and candy, and time for family and large feasts. But, I don't let the "commercialized" Easter get in the way of the true meaning - the fact the someone loved me so much to lay down his life & rise again!
This is Ellie's Easter photo (snapshot). I swear, I can never get a good Easter pic of this child. I believe she is "eating" her hair due to a gust of wind coming up. Oh, well..there is always next year to get the perfect shot!
The Easter Bunny came to visit & brought Ellie a basket full of goodies .. including a new toothbrush to help fight the cavaties from all the Easter candy - smart bunny :)

More egg hunting action w/ Jamie's side of the family. Each year, we all save the plastic eggs that our kids bring home from daycare & school egg hunts. Needless to say - we have collected 2 garbage bags full of eggs. The yard probably had like 700-800 eggs between 4 kiddos! We got so tired of "hiding" we just began chunking on the ground. By the way - this was egg hunt #4! I am all hunted out!

A portion of Ellie's finds - I think she counted like 200 - with help from Mary Beth of course on the counting. But Ellie does amaze me. I know I may be partial, but she can count to 100 by 1's, 5's, and 10's. And pretty soon, no more spelling secrets because she had begun sounding out the letters.

Ellie counting her eggs. She is in deep concentration.

Ellie & Mary Beth (her egg hunting buddy). I love the look on her face - priceless!

And this is our nephew Tripp. I love those chubby cheeks - so kissable. This was his 1st Easter!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Casting Crowns Concert

Jamie & I joined our Youth group to go to the Casting Crowns "Till the Whole World Hears" concert this past weekend in Murray, KY. It has been a busy weekend to say the least - 2 birthday parties for Ellie, Casting Crowns concet & all of the Easter festivities. We had such a wonderful time!! Our youth leader emailed Casting Crowns a few months back and told them our story of how we have used their music to touch others through our Youth Hand Ministry. We currently perform 2 Casting Crowns' songs ("Who Am I?" & "East to West"). One of the members, Juan, has been in contact with our youth leader & was touched by our story and mission work for the Tenn. Bapt. Children's Home. So much so, the band gave 10 backstage passes to our youth to go back & meet the bands before the concert! How awesome is that!! As you can imagine - our youth was EXCITED!! What a great reward for their dedication & hard work! We wish now that we would have taken Ellie - she knows their songs by heart. It is humbling to her your child sing about Jesus :) She would have loved it!

Mark Hall & Hector from Casting Crown taking a picture with some of our youth (Kaysie & Mary Beth in the black shirts)

Tenth Ave. North pausing for a photo w/ some of the youth (in black shirts).

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Harrison!

Our nephew, Harrison, celebrated this 4th birthday! Actually, his birthday falls on Easter this year, so we celebrated a little early. His requested theme - camoflague! He is
100% All Boy & loves anything hunting, fishing, dirt, and bugs. He cracks me up because he talks really soft and sweet until a "manly" subject comes up in conversation, then he lowers his voice and goes "country-fied." Quite funny!

Say Chheessee!

This photo cracks me up!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

more egg hunting action ... Egg Hunt #2

Our church had their annual Easter egg hunt yesterday evening complete with hotdogs & the trimmings - YUM! Ellie is checking out her loot of candy in the above picture. Below is our niece, Julia, Ellie, and her pal, Emily - what cuties! (I think Ellie was in mid-talking when I took the picture. Imagine that, Ellie talking?!)

Ellie {hearts} Mommy!

I had to post this photo of Ellie & myself to show that she really does love her Mommy! Some of my family (I won't call names) have teased me on a previous post on why Ellie loves her Daddy, but she couldn't come up with a list of why she loves her Mommy!