Sunday, April 25, 2010

lazy weekend

We spent this past stormy weekend w/ my parents - hanging out & watching the weather. Jamie went to 'Dega' to the races, so Ellie & I have had a girls weekend :). Above is a pic of my dad w/ Ellie body slammin' him. When she goes to the grandparent's house (either side) she is treated like the Princess, she thinks she is.
Ever since Ellie was really little she has always gotten under the ottoman in my parents living room. I guess she was a little over 1 year old when we got to looking for her & finally found her under there. Well, she can still fit under it & believe me there is not much space under there.

So what better place that under the ottoman to take a nap?! I can NEVER get her to take a nap on the weekends -- maybe I should invest in an ottoman w/ just enough space for an Ellie.

We also went to see my sister, Paige, & her boys - Jaxon & Tripp. Ellie loves Jaxon, or as she used to say when she was smaller - Jackin. Tripp is filling out & loves baby food! I cannot believe how much he has grown! I was able to get this picture of the 3 of them - love the look on Tripp's face (deer in headlights).

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