Monday, April 5, 2010

"Hoppy Easter"

Happy Easter from the Carson Clan! It was a wild & busy weekend for our household, but I can't complain about the weather - which was beautiful! It was sunny, warm, and so nice outside...I really cannot remember the last Easter where the weather was perfect. Normally, we are freezing in our spring frock. I always love Easter weekend - the beginning of spring, all the egg searching and candy, and time for family and large feasts. But, I don't let the "commercialized" Easter get in the way of the true meaning - the fact the someone loved me so much to lay down his life & rise again!
This is Ellie's Easter photo (snapshot). I swear, I can never get a good Easter pic of this child. I believe she is "eating" her hair due to a gust of wind coming up. Oh, well..there is always next year to get the perfect shot!
The Easter Bunny came to visit & brought Ellie a basket full of goodies .. including a new toothbrush to help fight the cavaties from all the Easter candy - smart bunny :)

More egg hunting action w/ Jamie's side of the family. Each year, we all save the plastic eggs that our kids bring home from daycare & school egg hunts. Needless to say - we have collected 2 garbage bags full of eggs. The yard probably had like 700-800 eggs between 4 kiddos! We got so tired of "hiding" we just began chunking on the ground. By the way - this was egg hunt #4! I am all hunted out!

A portion of Ellie's finds - I think she counted like 200 - with help from Mary Beth of course on the counting. But Ellie does amaze me. I know I may be partial, but she can count to 100 by 1's, 5's, and 10's. And pretty soon, no more spelling secrets because she had begun sounding out the letters.

Ellie counting her eggs. She is in deep concentration.

Ellie & Mary Beth (her egg hunting buddy). I love the look on her face - priceless!

And this is our nephew Tripp. I love those chubby cheeks - so kissable. This was his 1st Easter!

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