We spent the Memorial Holiday weekend at the Lake! We love going to the Lake - the easy & no time frame to do anything! The grilling, boating, swimming, laying out, and even a sunburn are worth the trip. Jamie & his family have had a place up there going on 10 years. About 3 years ago, the trailer was up-graded and now has a covered deck. Early that weekend we were joined by my sister & her family. Love all my memories of the Lake!
Ellie sporting her "I Love the 80's" look. The bright, neon colors on her swimsuit match her hideous crazy cat sun visor. My mother purchased this visor for her during a shopping trip, and there was no bargaining power I had. Ellie says it reminders her of her cat, Peppers, b/c it has their crazy cats on it.
At the beach = tanning & cooling off in the water. Great place to dock, swim, lay out, toss a football & frisbee, eat lunch & just be ...
Jaxon - aka Mr. Safety - always asking if life jackets were ready, if the boat was sinking, etc. I love this picture of him!
Ellie floating on the innertube ... too bad it had a hole in it & we couldn't do anything but float on it. I love to innertube! It was especially fun when Jamie owned his red Crownline ski-boat. But I guess those days are over (for now) ... we've moved on to pontoon boats w/ shade & room for kiddos, food, water toys, beach chairs ... basically everything including a kitchen sink!
Jenna w/ the kiddos. Ellie L-O-V-E-S her some Jenna. Jenna has her own fan club!
My sister, Paige, her hubby Jeffery & son #1, Jaxon, joined us for a fun weekend. Normally, they are in the middle of ball season, but luckly they had the weekend off. Also, Jeffery's sister, Jenna & her bf, Roger, joined us. I believe a great weekend was had by all!
Ellie taking a break from swimming to eat a pizza lunchable. I always craved pizza after a day of swimming when I was little. I don't know why, but it always sounded soo yummy!
Ellie & Jamie driving the boat. Good thing there was lots of open water b/c she drove it like she does her bike - not looking where she's going.

After the Hays' crew left, Jamie's parents & Harrison (our nephew on Jamie's side) came & joined in on the Lake fun! We grilled out that evening, drove around & visited & even stopped & got a scoop or two of ice cream - yummo!