Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ellie's school year ends...

Ellie had her end of year program for Mom's Day Out Preschool this weekend. She is so excited about being out for the summer! She has thoroughly enjoyed going to school & making new friends. Her teachers, Ms. Rita - Ms. Kathy - Ms. Tabitha, have taught her and the other students not only classroom skills, such as counting & spelling, but about The Bible as well. Ellie had to memorize several Bible verses and learned Bible stories and songs. She also got to tour a fire truck, police car, and go on field trips throughout the school year. Plus, she was worn out and ready to eat lunch & nap when she got to the babysitter's house after school. Special thanks to her teachers for all they did! Ellie's 1st day of preschool picture. Ellie with one of her teachers, Ms. Tabitha. Ellie told us the other night she wanted Ms. Tabitha to come spend the night sometime.
Some of Ellie's favorite things about school:
playing on the playground
singing the songs - especially the "Peanut on the Railroad track" & the Star Silkin' Banner (that is what she calls the National Anthem)
writing her name & spelling words
Ellie's end of school year picture. She is standing in front of a school house that was the backdrop of her program.

Way to Go Ellie on completing your 1st year of Preschool! We are proud of you & love you very much!

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