Sunday, May 16, 2010

fun weekend

This weekend has been so much fun! We love it when the "Alexander crew" comes to visit West TN! Jamie's aunt & her family came in for Whitney's college graduation - Way to go Whit! So, while the family was entertained by the graduation ceremonies, we were entertained by Mr. Max! Max (20 mths old) is the son of Jamie's cousin, Courtney & Brandon - And boy, is Max fun! I kept trying to get a picture of him & Ellie, but I must say it is very hard to hit a moving target. The above picture makes me laugh because it captures him at is normal pace - on the move! Ellie has a love-hate relationship with Max. She loves to be around & play with him, but hates it when he barrells through her building block projects. OCD Child vs. Max can be eventful!
Also, Jamie's cousin Adam came down to see his baby sister graduate. Adam & Jamie had "jam sessions" the 2 nights they were in ... I know our neighbors appreciated it. Above is a pic of Ellie & Adam having a deep conversation about Granddaddy's horses. Adam also show us more of his musical talents by playing Ellie's 2 recorders at the same time - He is such a BIG KID!
One of my fav pictures of Ellie looking at Granddaddy's horses. She loves them so!
Ellie, Courtney & Max petting Sam. Max is a little unsure of the horse.
Ellie longing to saddle up a horse. I love this pic of her too!

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