Wednesday, June 9, 2010

it doesn't matter if it's black or white ...

as long as it rolls, that is. Since Ellie has learned to ride her bike without the training wheels, she has been hard to keep off of it. So much so, that we have had to replace the tires - they were worn out. The story goes ... Jamie goes to WalMart after work one day. Mission: 2 new bicycle tires for her bike. Result: only one. Reason: the tires and intertube run about $20/tire! What?! A new bike costs around $45! Oh my! We are planning on getting her a new, bigger size bike; however, we are waiting until she gets a little more comfortable riding the bike she has. So, until that time comes, she will be riding around as Little Miss Matched tires. She doesn't seem to mind.

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