Happy (upcoming) Father's Day to all the Dads out there, but to the special men in our lives that we call DADDY! I decided to do this post a little early to show my appreciation & surprise the special Dads in my life! Thank you for everything you do, but most of all Thank You for setting me and my daughter an example of a Christian Dad - that is truly amazing!
Ellie & her daddy are super close. In fact, I am not ashamed to say that she is definatly a "Daddy's Girl!". According to her he makes the best super, duper, double chocolate milk ever! They act goofy together (as seen in the picture above) and there is hardly a dull moment when they have their giggle box turned to 'on'. Her daddy is good snuggler for a Sunday afternoon nap, afternoon trips to check on the dove field, and endless piggy back rides. And, Jamie doesn't particularily like when she spends the night away from home - it is say the grandparents have learned to ask me, instead of him. They are thick as thieves & have created their own "cool club."
This picture was taken last summer of my sister, Paige, & I with our Dad, Mike. (side note: My sister is not going to be happy with me because she was expecting Tripp in this photo, but I sure can't tell it.) Growing up our Dad would make up & sing crazy songs about anything (ex. "mustard on my shoe.") He is a huge prankster - you better be on your toes around him, just ask any of his closest friends and family. He was the BEST hide & seeker when we were smaller. I remember running around the house looking for him one evening & he had scaled the antenae tower & was laughing the whole time at us trying to find him. And, the weirdest thing is he makes the BEST ICE WATER! Crazy I know...there is no special recipe or formula to making ice water, but he shakes the glass of ice while filling it with cold water which gets the water even cooler faster. We will forever be known by the nicknames he gave us smaller (he has this "thing" about nicknaming people). I am sooooo glad that he changed mine when I entered high school, because the original one was BBBAAADDD!!! I graduated from a nickname of "Elmo Clyde" to "A/B" (which were my first 2 initials). My sister's nickname (which he still somtimes calls her) is "Peanut Fred". Don't ask us why?! He calls my husband "George".
This picture is Jamie's Dad, Gary, & Ellie Grace. Gary has a green thumb for summer gardening. In the summer evenings after work, we can usually find him tending to the garden. He also loves to fish and hunt & has instilled these hobbies in both Jamie & his brother, Jeremy. Bring on the TN Football because he will have the tv turned to it in the fall. Gary also is the song leader at our church & serves on the deacons committee.

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