- A few weeks prior to Christmas I was busy wrapping gifts with my assistant Ellie. She was such a good helper and even attempted to wrap a few presents by herself. She finds a large shipping box that I had tossed aside and runs to her bedroom for a few minutes. She returns with the announcement that this box now contains a gift for me to open on Christmas. Awe, how sweet. She wraps the box with masking tape (it was a cardboard shipping box and Scotch wasn't going to hold) and some of the shipping paper that was inside. It was very rugged and unique:). On Christmas morning, she runs to her room to retrieve the package that has been placed under her tree for me to open. And here is a "side story" to this story ...
{Side Story} I found a wreath idea on Pinterest (love that site) for a ribbon/fabric wreath. I took a stab at it for an adorable ribbon wreath for Ellie's bedroom door. However, it kept falling off from the suction cup. It has been missing for weeks. When I asked questions to both Ellie and Jamie - neither knew what happened to it.
Ok...fast forward to Christmas morning. Ellie give me her wrapped box and when I opened it...you guessed it! It was the ribbon wreath for her bedroom door! Of course I laughed and commented that I was looking for it and had even asked her about it, to which she replied .."Mom, I knew you would like it!" Silly girl! But the funny thing was Jamie didn't even know she had done it until the day before. She woke up that morning to tell him she had had a terrible dream and the conversation goes something like this ...
Dad: Tell me about your dream
Ellie: I dreamed Mom opened her gift
Dad: What gift are you talking about?
Ellie: The gift under the tree in my bedroom.
Dad: Well, what is it?
Ellie: You know that wreath she has been looking for ...
- Another funny story ... Ellie asks my mom specifically to get her the DVD movie "Underdog". My mom search high & low for it only to have to order it on-line. Mom is super proud because she got El exactly what she wanted. Ellie opens her present and wants to watch it. Well, it doesn't work in any of the dvd players. Turns out ... Mom ordered her the Blu-Ray disc of the movie. Problem is ... none of us have a BluRay player. I had to laugh because it seems my mom can't win with Ellie's gifts. Just ask her about Ellie's 2nd Christmas. We will say it was a culture lesson.