Thursday, December 29, 2011

Funnies from Christmas

We had a great Christmas - and it appears we all were on Santa's "good list". It was a whirl-wind of craziness, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And, I am still having difficulties getting photos uploaded, so it will probably be a few posts of just photos soon (fingers crossed). But, I did want to share a few funny stories that made our Christmas extra special.

  • A few weeks prior to Christmas I was busy wrapping gifts with my assistant Ellie. She was such a good helper and even attempted to wrap a few presents by herself. She finds a large shipping box that I had tossed aside and runs to her bedroom for a few minutes. She returns with the announcement that this box now contains a gift for me to open on Christmas. Awe, how sweet. She wraps the box with masking tape (it was a cardboard shipping box and Scotch wasn't going to hold) and some of the shipping paper that was inside. It was very rugged and unique:). On Christmas morning, she runs to her room to retrieve the package that has been placed under her tree for me to open. And here is a "side story" to this story ...

{Side Story} I found a wreath idea on Pinterest (love that site) for a ribbon/fabric wreath. I took a stab at it for an adorable ribbon wreath for Ellie's bedroom door. However, it kept falling off from the suction cup. It has been missing for weeks. When I asked questions to both Ellie and Jamie - neither knew what happened to it. forward to Christmas morning. Ellie give me her wrapped box and when I opened guessed it! It was the ribbon wreath for her bedroom door! Of course I laughed and commented that I was looking for it and had even asked her about it, to which she replied .."Mom, I knew you would like it!" Silly girl! But the funny thing was Jamie didn't even know she had done it until the day before. She woke up that morning to tell him she had had a terrible dream and the conversation goes something like this ...

Dad: Tell me about your dream

Ellie: I dreamed Mom opened her gift

Dad: What gift are you talking about?

Ellie: The gift under the tree in my bedroom.

Dad: Well, what is it?

Ellie: You know that wreath she has been looking for ...

  • Another funny story ... Ellie asks my mom specifically to get her the DVD movie "Underdog". My mom search high & low for it only to have to order it on-line. Mom is super proud because she got El exactly what she wanted. Ellie opens her present and wants to watch it. Well, it doesn't work in any of the dvd players. Turns out ... Mom ordered her the Blu-Ray disc of the movie. Problem is ... none of us have a BluRay player. I had to laugh because it seems my mom can't win with Ellie's gifts. Just ask her about Ellie's 2nd Christmas. We will say it was a culture lesson.

Friday, December 23, 2011

News Update

So we have been extra busy with Christmas parties, shopping, programs, and just the daily routines. Whew! December has been crazy-town! I have been trying desperately to upload some photos of all of the fun we have been having, but an uncooperative computer is to blame for the lack thereof. So here is another lack luster blog update.

  • Ellie participated in her 1st school Christmas program. The program was adorable set around why the Santa's reindeer wouldn't fly on Christmas Eve. She was a little wiggle worm while singing, but I don't think she missed a word to the songs.

  • Just this week, we took Ellie to a live nativity scene in the area. We thought she would like it - petting some animals, walking through the and looking at the sets. Boy, were we mistaken! She showed no interest in it. But...we drive past a home with flashing lights and fully decorated in the spirit of Griswold complete with the plastic light up manger scene and she is in complete awe! I guess we all find the spirit of Christmas in different things from live nativities to plastic and lite up.

  • I have watched "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" no less than 5 times thus far. So happy we now have a DVR.

  • I hosted the ladies at my office for a Christmas party a few weeks ago. We had a wonderful time playing trivia games, bingo, dirty Santa, and laughing until our sides hurt. It was a great time and already cannot wait until next year.

  • We have already had the Harrell Christmas (Jamie's side of the family)-which is always fun! Some of the family live in Middle & East TN and unfortunately with our busy lives we don't see them as often. It is always great to catch up with them all by other means besides Facebook & blogs.

  • This weekend will be crazy with Christmases' with families. But I wouldn't have it any other way. When the time comes that all I have to worry about is the 1 Christmas, it will be a sad day. So, I am soaking up all the craziness I can & enjoying every minute of it!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Post #201 {Randomness}

  • This post is brought to you by a vacation. I have been on vacay all week, and I must say I was so glad it felt like an actually long week. Normally, it seems that vacation weeks fly by ... but not this one. And, for that ... I am thankful.

  • We had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family time, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade (for me nothing starts off the feeling of Thanksgiving & Christmas like the parade), and eating way too much good food :).

  • I didn't do the "Black Friday" Shopping. I actually had to work! I must say this is probably about the 2nd or 3rd year I haven't braved the crowds before reporting to work, and I didn't really miss it. Someone examine my head! I did, however, take advantage of some evening "Black Friday" shopping.

  • Speaking of shopping. I have seemed to do more on-line shopping this year, than previous. I have found pleasure in sitting in my pj's and simply letting my ADD set in & bringing up multiple windows to view & compare products, prices, special offers, etc. It's probably not helping in the being active.

  • Yesterday, I brought lunch to Hubs at work. Well, not only him, but some of his co-workers as well. They called it in...I picked it up. I picked up food at a shady Chinese restaurant. Shady. It was good, and I am glad I didn't actually eat in the restaurant.

  • I have put together an Advent Calender for Ellie. She was asking the other day about presents from us & Santa. WHAT?! I never thought about presents from my parents on Christmas as a child. Santa ruled! Parents could do my birthdays. So, in a effort of trickery I introduced an Advent Calender. There are great ideas on creating these on Pinterest (don't you love it! I need a support group, or an intervention). Some of the gifts are materialistic and some are just family time. Last night, day #24, was a Christmas shirt. I always buy her one every year, so it made it a little more special by wrapping & presenting. She woke up easily this morning so she could go pull a slip. Which said "Wrap Christmas presents & find a Christmas movie on TV". Other ideas include: a Daddy & Daughter date (when I have my coworkers over for a Christmas party), going to a Christmas parade, looking for Christmas lights one evening, having a picnic in the living room, having Breakfast for Dinner. For the little gifts I used the items I normally purchase every Christmas -- Christmas themed books (you can find these for $5 or so at local book stores and even department stores such as Kohl's), winter themed pencils, cheap foam & paint crafts (picked up at the Dollar Tree & Target $ Spot). Nothing expensive, but just a new twist.

  • Tomorrow is Santa Day! Santa will be at Ellie's school for Breakfast w/ Santa, then that evening after the local parade at my office for Cookies & Koolaid w/ Santa. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate for both events to be successful.

  • Our church friends, The Ritters, came home for Thanksgiving from their new home in Oklahoma. It was such a joy to see them, spend time w/ them, and just enjoy catching up on their new life in Oklahoma. I knew I missed them, but you never realize how much until they have to leave again.

  • We had our first of many Christmas parties the weekend after Thanksgiving. As always, the Owens' Christmas party did not disappoint. We played Dirty Bingo - a combo of Dirty Santa & Bingo. It was fun! I will try to sort thru some photos for a post.

I hope I haven't bored you to tears.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A little windy outside...

I attempted to take some Christmas photos today. On the windiest day of the year ... Just a small preview of what might be appearing in your mailbox.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Decisions? Decisions?

One of the hardest decisions I love to make regarding Christmas is the style/type of Christmas card will be arriving in the mailboxes of relatives and loved ones. I always send a photo card and always find it difficult to make the decision not only with the chosen photo, but the card that fits the photo. This year the decision may be as difficult as every with the wide selection I have found via Tiny Prints. Oh. My. Goodness. The crazy amount of photo cards available - the colors, the style, the number of photos ... the ideas are too good to be true. Here are some that caught my eye...

I have a good idea of the photo I want to do (if I get around to taking it & my daughter cooperates). So, I think that these 1st two options would be perfect choices.

I love this one because it can easily hang on the Christmas tree (maybe year after year), or from a cabinet knob. So cute! And unique! This card caught by eye because of the simple, retro feel. If only it would snow like this where I live for a "White Christmas".

One word ... Chevron (pattern). Love the wild, colorful, and playful card. It reminds me of our summer and one of those photos would coordinate well, if my original idea doesn't happen.

And, this card recaps the favorite memories from 2011. How great to give a glimpse of a wonderful year to loved ones. And, you can see how the little ones have changed/grown up throughout the year.

With hundreds of options to choose from, this decision could take a while.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year Halloween was just as fun as ever. Ellie was all about her costume this year, which you will see below. However, before we could go trick or treating we had Trunk & Treat at church on Sunday evening. As usual, we had a wonderful time. This year's contest was carved/painted pumpkins with all funds raised going to the TN Baptist Children's Home. This was the winning pumpkin of the night.
And, this is the costume Ellie could not get enough of. She had is laid out in her bedroom floor as if she slid out from it or could draw a chalk line around it. There were times I thought she would actually sleep in it or wear it to school. And along the way to gathering up way too much candy, we ran into Darth Vader & Ewok. Watch out evil villains because BatGirl will get ya!

Hope your Halloween was wonderful and frightfully scary!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Handful + 1

This past weekend, Ellie turned "6". Yep a whole handful plus 1 digit on another hand. Wow! It seems like yesterday Jamie & I were at our very 1st Dr. appointment hearing that we would become parents just a few days prior to our 1 year anniversary. We are no longer in a state of shock like that particular day, but she does keep us on our toes. She has blessed us beyond our imagination and we can honestly say we don't know what life was like before we were "Ellie's mom & dad".

Her birthday actually fell on a Friday this year, so that evening Jamie & I "grinned & bared" it for her birthday dinner choice - McDonald's :) with her special date, Macy Ruth. But before we could go to our dinner date, she got to open her present from us - her very own set of golf clubs. More specifically pink & purple golf clubs with matching pink golf balls. Watch out LPGA! Ellie will be arriving in a few years! She was so excited that she wanted to hit a few balls out in the yard before we left. And, that evening Macy ended up spending the night because Ellie so thoughtfully reminded us that "you should give the birthday girl what she wants!" (She sounds just like her JuJu).

Saturday evening was her party, which I must admit I did not put forth the time and effort as I normally do. But, it turned out better than I was expecting. It all began with some ice cream sundae invitations and treat bags I happened upon at Hobby Lobby in the clearance section. Then I found some wild colored plastic wine goblets in the WalMart clearance section. The shape & colors reminded me of the old fashioned ice cream sundae glasses. The treat bags were filled with candy and ice cream shaped sidewalk chalk found at Dollar Tree. The combo made for extra cute gifts for Ellie's guests.

The centerpieces were created the morning of her party in a last minute attempt to pull it all together. For a last minute rush, they turned out cute. It was crazy simple - Mason jars wrapped in tissue paper; spray paint craft sticks hot glued to sugar/waffle ice cream cones. The "scoop" of ice cream is simple a Styrofoam ball wrapped in tissue paper or a layer of paper napkin and hot glued to the top of the cone.

Tables were covered in lime green & hot pink table cloths with polka dot wrapping paper making the table runner. All found at the Dollar Tree - a fabulous place to get cheap decorations!

And the birthday cake was made by our babysitter, LeeLee, who make the most greatest birthday cakes ever!

We also repeated last year's party and had a hay ride, which is always fun! Ellie had a great party and most of all got to spend it with the ones that love her!

Happy Birthday Ellie! Love you to the Moon & Back!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Be a "Fan"

While Jamie & I took in all the event of "Game Day", I quickly noticed that I, even though dressed in team colors, was apparently under dressed in jeans & t-shirt. Here are the "Game Day" Fashion Statements:

I think I will make Jamie one of these hats. You know, because we all need one...

And should you not have a free hand for your cheer pom. I mean, even the guy behind her didn't notice...

Checkered overalls go with everything.

Black shirts... no shirts...

and orange shirts...

even with crazy hair.

I think the feather hat lady stole his hat...

Now do you know why I felt so under dressed?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Football Time In Tennessee!

This past weekend, Jamie & I had the opportunity to enjoy a visiting Knoxville, not only for the UT vs. UGA game, but to hang with family & friends. This was my 1st Vols game & to say I was excited would have been an understatement. Luckily, we had the best tour guides Knoxville has to offer in Adam & Patrick. We arrived Friday afternoon just in time to find our hotel, get a little rest, and for Jamie's cousin Adam to get off work. We had a great evening with Adam, Cheryl, and their sweet little boy, Chase, who I must say is quite a flirt.

Game Day morning, Adam and Jamie had fun hanging out at the local guitar/music shops in search for Ellie a "girly" guitar, something she has added to her "wish list". Hey, Santa has to shop a little early. Then, it was off to meet up with Jamie's long time friend, Patrick, his wife, Leona, and their little cutie, Penny, along w/ Mr. Richard, Patrick's dad. Of course, by this time is was lunch time and what better place to have game day lunch than FIVE GUYS. Oh. my. goodness. Insane. Can West TN get one of these?

Then off to the campus for all the pre-game festivities. Patrick game us the full tour. I swear we walked no less than 12.7 miles, up hill both ways, in mid-80 degree temps. But, it was worth it, even if I am still feeling the effects as I type this. We heard "Rocky Top" no less than 200 times, saw Vol "fan-atics" (another post), and enjoyed every bit of it.

We visited the famous "Rock" where students paint & repaint images/art on it. The game day image was pretty creative...

In the distance, you can see the Vol Navy...

Pep Rally for the Vol Walk...

The "Pep Band" for the Vol Walk...

Head Coach Derek Dooley in the Vol Walk...

(Side note: We actually walked behind the players as they entered the field)

The Pride of the Southland Marching Band... Awesome!

Entering the Neyland Stadium and saluting "The Hill"...

Jamie & I at the game. If you were watching the game on TV, we were in orange, so I'm sure you saw us. Our seats were great - the end zone across from the band/student section right on the field. Pretty sweet!

The football team entering the field for warm-up...

The Band forming the Power "T" for the players to run out ...

Smokey rooting on his beloved Vols!

Quarterback, Tyler Bray...

A portion of the student section. The sign says "Fear the Pants"...

Other blog worthy news...

Lady Vols' Head Coach, Pat Summitt, made a special appearance at the game as well as helped "Dorothy" find "Rocky Top" in the band's half-time show "The Wizard of Oz", which was very creative with the "Cowardly Cat from KY", the "Scarecrow named Steve from So. Carolina", and the "Tin Man from Bama", along with the "Wicked Witch from UGA".

I have never seen so much orange in my life. And, a "Just So Ya Know"...Fridays before game day is Orange Day.

After an hour delay in a complete standstill on I-40, we finally made it home and are already trying to decide which game, or games, to attend next year!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Conquering Kindergarten!

Ellie began school (over 1 month ago!) and she is conquering Kindergarten! It is so hard to believe how incredibly fast she has grown - she should not be this old! She was super excited about beginning big school. She has attended a "Mom's Day Out" preschool program since she was 3, so I knew she was ready (if not beyond ready) to go to big school. She is one smart cookie. And, the school she is attending is full of greatness - teachers, students, and mile from my office!

On the 1st day of school, we were both very brave. No tears. I asked Jamie not go with us on the 1st day, not because I am selfish or anything, but because the bravery would have turned into the worst day of school ever. She is such a daddy's girl that there would have been an Emmy Award given out for the "Best Performance in a Drama." I just didn't want her to get started on the wrong foot. So we arrived the first day at the same time our good friends the Eakes' crew did. She was able to walk in with Davis & Avery which helped.

So far the school year has gone great! Well, except for getting up in the mornings. Those are hard because neither of us are "morning people", but we have done well. There have been a few notes that have come home from school and her "clip" moved, but some of this is a learning process for her to understand that she has to do what the teacher directs, which sometimes is not the same idea she has (wonder where she gets that from?). Hopefully, her love of school will continue.

The stuff she says...

First of all let me apologize for being such a slacker. I will try to do better.

Here is Ellie's latest story ...

Memama & Granddaddy (Jamie's grandparents) have a dog, Daisy, that is expected to pass away any day. She has been suffering with huge tumors in your stomach ... it is really heart wrenching. On Wednesday this week, they picked up Ellie and Macy Ruth from school. When they arrived at their house, the girls were playing outside until they spotted Daisy, laid beside one of the sheds. Asking about the dog, Granddaddy replies that Daisey had been there all day, waiting to go to "Doggie Heaven" where she won't be in pain. Well of course this gets the girls upset, they begin crying, and basically hold a vigil for Daisy. The girls come into the house in tears and all upset about the poor dog. Shortly thereafter, Granddaddy comes into the house with the announcement that Daisy moved from her spot. Ellie, with tears still in her eyes, looks up and says, "So, we have done all this crying for NOTHING?!" Needless to say, the grandparents got good laughs from her comment.

Monday, September 5, 2011

At the Doctor's Office

So I bet you are all wondering if I have been abducted by aliens or fallen off the face of the Earth, but truth is ... my computer has sub come to a virus. A mean, bad virus. It is currently being cured by our "computer doctor", my Uncle Keith. So this post will require reading, and unfortunately no photos to help tell the story. Just to catch up on what's been going on at our house...
1. Ellie began school mid-August. We are conquering Kindergarten. So far she loves it. When I ask her what her 3 favorites things were about school each day, her reply is usually "Recess, Lunch, Recess". That does sound like an awesome day to me. So far we have done well getting up and going in the mornings. I purchased a canvas closet hanging organizer to put together 5 outfits in each slot along with a bedtime book to read each night. This little system works fabulous for us. She gets the independence of picking out which slot of clothes she wants to wear, and I know that are ironed, matched and ready to go. Though I think she picks it out by the book in each slot. Plus, her school provides free breakfast to all of the students (Thanks Kenton Elementary). This also saves us time.
2. Jamie has taken up the game of golf - or at least giving it a good attempt. He has signed up to play in a tournament with some of his co-workers in their company's tournament. That should be interesting. I tried my hand at it the other day in the yard. Needless to say, I will not be participating in any tournaments.
3. I will be going to my 1st Vols game! I am super excited! We are preparing for the full blown college game experience for the UT vs. Georgia game! Our friend, Patrick, who lives in Knox, has outfitted an enclosed trailer with large flat screen TVs, stereo, and all the other tailgating essentials. Then we are going inside the stadium for the game. Thanks to my cousin's season tickets, we will be enjoying the game from great seats right where the team enters through the "T". So excited! I can't wait!
4. It's BAND Season! I can't wait to begin going to the competitions & rooting for the GCHS Marching Pioneers! Our cousin, Mary Beth, will be conducting the band for their tribute to the 10 year anniversary of 9/11.
5. Dove season opened this past weekend. Yippee! This is just the beginning of a very, very long season.

Well, that is about as boring as it gets around our house. Hopefully, my computer will be cured by my next post.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Beach Favorites {Just

The Beach {Day 5}

On our final day at the beach we took a boat ride to Shell Island, to find the perfect shells to take home & look for sand dollars. The boat ride was ok on the way there. The kids were entertained by the seagulls literally snatching Cheetos from their outreached hands. Once there we hit the island. I believe the next time we go we will figure out how to lounge on the island for most of the day. It was so secluded and peaceful. Jeffery did find a small, but whole sand dollar, but it fell to pieces with the least bit movement. We did see lots of these little guys ... not much hunting required.

The ride back however was not as enjoyable. The captain decided to take us out from the bay and into the Gulf to search for dolphins. I know he meant well and wanted his passengers to get the most bang for the hard earned dollars, but it was exhausting. I have never felt sea sick before, but I did this time, as well as others. He kept idling doing figure 8's in the water. I just kept my eye on the shoreline. Luckily, no one got sick that I knew of, but that ride is over for us. We did however find the dolphins - a mother & her baby. Jaxon & Ellie really liked to see them as well as a sunken ship from a recent hurricane. We did more laying out at the beach and ended up ordering pizza that evening.

Some other notable vacation adventures:

  • Tripp tossing a cola over the rail from the 17th floor. Fortunately, no one was in the pool below or injured.

  • Ellie accidentally dropped her flip-flop from the 17th floor right into the swimming pool. "Watch out below! Splash" We had to go retrieve it.

  • Jeffery bailing out the auto to put some punk kids in place for tail gating on his bumper on their rented mopeds. Priceless.

  • Going into a store "Everything's $1" to hear the recorded announcer, who sounded worse than Ben Stein, repeat "Everything's $1; No need to pay $5 for those spoons; We need a price check on aisle 5, never mind because everything's $1"

It was a wonderful trip and we are already planning next year's beach adventure.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Beach {Day 4}

Day 4 was a lazy day, alternating from the beach & swimming pool for the kids. The water was finally clear, pretty and seaweed-free. There were, however, red flags posted for the huge waves. It was a nice relaxing day. We did come in a little early to get ready to go to some places we had put off. We walked down the pier that stretches way out into the ocean. Unfortunately, no one was catching any fish, but we did see about 12 surfers catching waves, which was fascinating to watch. Afterward, we cooled down at Kilwin's. I was excited about my Cookies-N-Cream in a waffle cone. We did a little shopping at Pier Park and I brought home a Christmas ornament from our trip. A little souvenir trick I learned from my sister. Each time she goes on a trip, she searches for a Christmas ornament that is unique to the area. We visited the boatyard to look at interesting boats and picked up a few t-shirts from the restaurants (because that is part of going to the beach, right?) That evening we ate at Raggie J's a Caribbean inspired restaurant at Pier Park, then off for (you guess it) more putt-putt.

The Beach {Day 2 & 3}

Our full second day at the PCB turned into a rainy one. When we got up that morning it had been raining on and off throughout the night and looked like it could the rest of the day. Jamie and I chalked it up as a "wash out" day and decided to do our on thing. We ended up in Destin, about 50 miles away, to do some shopping at the outlet mall and Destin Commons. Amazingly, no good deals were found! I couldn't believe it. The Destin Commons is an outdoor type of shopping center, which wasn't very suitable for a rainy day. Ellie did end up getting some new clothes for Olivia Lou (her Build-A-Bear that she so dearly loves). The outlet mall was a mess! All the stores that were were interested in were in a disheveled state of merchandise reminiscent of an After-Thanksgiving/Black Friday sale. I guess all the back to school shopping had everyone looking and tossing items aside.

That evening we went to Schooner's to eat. A neat little joint on the beach with live music. Tripp, the music lover, really liked the action of the band. The food was good as well and there was a nice breeze blowing that didn't make it unbearable to eat outside. We also ended the evening with some more putt-putt. Ellie's new favorite thing to do! And a trip to one of the plentiful surf shops around for some beach toys.

The 3rd day was a little better, only an afternoon shower. And we spent quite possibly the best $6 on the trip - Ellie a body board! She loved riding the waves back in on this board. There is not telling how many times she would come in and go out. She turned into quite the surfer girl. And Tripp ended up fascinated with the seagulls! So fun to see one of the birds catch his eye and he was off. The beach bums got quite a laugh watching the grown up chase after a 1 1/2 year old who is chasing a bird.