Sunday, August 19, 2012

This and That

 We have been busy little bees around here.  So busy, I really don't know where to begin.
Where has the time gone?  We now have a 1st grader!  Wow!  Leading up to the beginning of school, Ellie was a little undecided if she was ready for 1st grade and another school year, but she picked up right where she left off.  And of course, she had to begin the year with as many "brownie points" as possible with her new teacher, Mrs. Christy.  So, I was able to cure a 'craft bug' and made a door hanger for her classroom door.  

With all the Olympic coverage a few weeks ago, we got into the Olympic spirit around here.  Jamie & I help with the children/youth on Wednesday evenings, so I thought it was only fitting to have the New Salem Youth Olympics.  It was fun and I tried to make it as "real as possible."  Below, Ellie is holding the Olympic flames for a torch relay.  It could have also been a little confused with the recycling Olympics, but it was fun nonetheless.  

Beth Moore Live!

Have you heard of Beth Moore?  If you haven't, I suggest you find the nearest Lifeway Christian Bookstore or go on line a find her.  I have completed 2 of her DVD Bible Studies and they were equally wonderful.  So when our church ladies heard that she would be in Knoxville in August, we signed up without any hesitation.  I am so glad I went - it was AMAZING!  13,000+ women in the Thompson Bowling area at UT-Knox, with Travis Cottrell (btw - he is at Englewood Baptist in Jackson, TN) with his choir from his church - it was all "just too much" as Mrs. Moore would say!  It was an indescribable experience.  Though I have so enjoyed her DVD studies, and will continue them, it is no comparison seeing her in action.  She is truly using her God-given talent.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ellie's New Smile

Ellie has a new smile these days and is breaking the tooth fairy.

Christmas in July?

We took a mini trip this past weekend to Holiday World.  We were lucky enough to be the highest bidder at the local school's fall festival auction for some tickets.  And, we were able to take Jamie's cousins, Macy Ruth and Mason, along for the fun.  As my hubby told me during the trip ... "It's a good thing they came because you are a 'park pooper'."  Yep, that's right, I do not ride roller coasters and the like.  Not. Interested. But, I love watch others do it.  We had a great time!  If you have never been, I would recommend it.  There are 2 parks in 1 - the amusement park and the water park.  There is plenty for the whole family - from the little ones to the big kids.  I was impressed with the cleanliness of the park.  And, there are free fountain drinks to help cool off.  Jamie is already planning on returning next year.  

Friday, June 29, 2012


summer is...

Is it me, or is summer just passing by so quickly?  We are trying to cram as much fun and sun into all the summer we can stand.  So, our summer is...

lots and lots of sunscreen for the lake and the pool...

falling asleep after an afternoon of swimming with friends...

marking "park" off our summer list...

ballgames, sunflower seeds, and rooting for this guy, Jaxon...

and trying to keep up with kids at the ball park...

That has been our summer in a nutshell or at least through the lens of my cell phone camera, hence the picture quality.  
How are you enjoying your summer?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Victory is Sweet

The Victory 93.7 T-Ball team brought home hardware with an undefeated T-Ball season!  All of the coaches and players have something to be proud of.  It was hard for Ellie and her favorite coach to hide their smiles from a great season!  A Victory is sweet!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Batter's Up

T Ball Season has begun.  Love the look of determination on her face!
We took an early vacation this year.  Though we may end up regretting it once summer gets going, it was so nice to be able to get away sooner than normal.  We went to PCB just like we did last July, and stayed at a condo resort, Splash.  The weather was perfect - sunny, 80+ degrees, no rain; and the crowds were much smaller than going during "peak season".  No long waits for eating or terrible traffic to deal with.  And...lucky for us it was Ellie's spring break week at school plus Jamie's cousin was getting married on the beach the same weekend.  What a perfect storm!
I didn't take a lot of pictures, in fact, Jamie often reminded me I was leaving without my camera.  I just kind of sat back, relaxed and enjoyed just being there instead of worry about taking pictures.  I did include some of my favorites in the post.  The above is Macy Ruth & Ellie at the wedding.  Though they are actually cousins, then tend to act more like BFF and sisters.  In fact, I have been trying to claim Macy as another child on my tax return. 

 Our little family at the wedding.  It was a tad windy that particular day, but the rest of the time the wind was no where to be found. 
 The happy couple - Congrats Whitney & Nathan! 
And ... one of my favs of our nephew Tripp.  He was the only one that couldn't move fast enough from the camera.  Ellie & Jaxon wanted no part in having their picture taken.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cruddy Day

So it's been a while since anything has been posted to the 'ole blog. (that might be quite an understatement.) Dealing with sinus crud makes for a cruddy day at home. Yuk! I love the beginning of spring, but not the pollen and havoc on sinuses. So, I will bore you with the daily life of the Carson Tribe. Sorry - no pictures because my camera hasn't been out since .... um, December (I know I am terrible).

  • I am addicted to Pinterest! O.M.G.

  • It's hard to believe that Ellie will be out of school in a matter of weeks! Wow! She reminds us quite often that she will be in 1st grade next year.

  • And speaking of school, Ellie seems to have a little problem with talking! I tell her each morning as I am dropping her off to make sure "her ears are turned up" so she can hear the teacher's instructions. And, when the afternoon report comes in she always moves her clip for talking. Her scientific explanation of it is ..."My ears hear her words, they go to my brain, my brain sends the words back out my ears so that I can see them/read them with my eyes, then my nose sucks them up so they come out my mouth." Whew, no wonder why the teacher's instructions are getting mistranslated!

  • We will be getting ready to head to the beach in a matter of weeks - so excited! Jamie has a cousin that is getting married so we just decided to take our vacation early to enjoy some time with family.

  • And because we are going to the beach, I have become obsessed with exercising. Thankfully, Jenner is my buddy so we motivate one another to get moving. I believe we have found our routine with Kettlebell and Pilates work. I did see this the other day, and was very intrigued by it...humm...

  • T-ball practice has begun... and we are still doing gymnastics. Fun!

That's as boring as we get around here...and I know that's bad!