Just to let you know what we have been up to these day. To say life is busier with 2 kids would be an understatement. I feel like I am always preparing for the next day or event. Crazy. Scheduling is def our friend these days. But I wanted to update to keep a record of what's been happening...
Ellie is doing awesome in the 2nd grade! She is the top reader in her class and also excels in math. Keeping her challenged can be difficult at times, but we have finally found something that she has to practice and doesn't come so naturally to her - PIANO. She has inherited the musical ear from Jamie's side of the family (thank goodness), and can play the piano by ear, but when she has to read the music and figure it out it is a little more challenging to her. It's a good challenge though. Bless her piano teacher! Ellie was chosen as a class favorite by her classmates. She was very excited. And, today she has turned 8 years old! Wow! We are celebrating this weekend with a skating party with her friends and a family party Sunday afternoon.
Lizzie Kate will be 4 mths old tomorrow. She is growing and filling out - or as we call it "fluffy". She has been sick with the hand-foot-mouth virus and she kindly shared with myself and Ellie. She was pitiful and it was no fun! Her well check visit was today - 24 inches long and 14 lbs 2 oz. She also has a new RX for Prevacid to deal with spitting up. Hopefully, this will help with her many fussy issues. She is rolling over; smiling; and will laugh, but those are rare because she finds very little funny. She loves bath time, her cereal bottle at night, and is still sleeping through the night.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Goodbye Summer Break
Tomorrow, Ellie begins school! Next week, I return to work from maternity leave! We are in a sour mood as we are saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer and returning to the reality of schedules and the hustle and bustle of our normal lives. It is truly a time to mourn. I have so enjoyed being off this time of year with both of the girls. To say I am envious of educators for their summer break would be an understatement.
This summer has truly been awesome! From big events like welcoming Lizzie Kate to the more simpler things such as swimming, ballgames, and bike riding it has been fun! Even afternoon naps and snuggling time. {sniff, sniff}
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
softball scenes
Softball is over. The All Star team finished 3rd in the tournaments. Overall, it was a great season of much and can't wait for next year's.
Also, notice the styling socks of Ellie. Can you say "smurfette is playing softball?"
Our little family had a couple of milestones this week.
First off, it's hard to believe that Lizzie Kate celebrated her 1 month birthday on Monday, July 15th! Crazy ... where has the time gone? She has rocked our world. She had a great "well checkup" on Monday and is growing like a weed.
June 15th:
Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz
Height: 20.4 in long
Eating: 2 oz every 2-3 hrs
July 15th:
Weight: 9 lbs 12 oz
Height: 22.4 in long
Eating: 4 oz.+ every 3-4 hrs
And, she has been sleeping through the night!! :)
Another milestone for our family...Ellie Grace got a new accessory on Monday as well - glasses. I have been anticipating the day she needed glasses, because it was bound to happen with both sides of the family having poor eye sight. She went for her annual eye exam in February this year, but I decided to take her back for a check up after her comments of not seeing something and before school started back. So glad we did; her eyes did a major "jump" from February till now. I received glasses in the 2nd grade at her age, so I guess she is taking after me. How cute does she look in her new glasses? They are purple in color and have "rainbow" zebra print on the side, but they aren't too wild for my liking.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Boy or Girl?
When Jamie and I went for the 20 week ultrasound we decided not to find out that day if the new addition would be a boy or girl. We wanted Ellie to be a part of the excitement and thought that a gender reveal party would be a great idea! I must admit, it was rather hard not to tear into the envelope as we left the doctor's office. We tossed around several ideas on how we wanted to reveal the gender, but decided on going to a local children's boutique, The Chocolate Bunny, and getting an outfit. We picked out 1 boy and 1 girl outfit and handed the envelope containing the gender to the ladies with instructions: open the envelope and wrap whichever outfit indicated. Also wrap up the ultrasound photos too. The ladies were thrilled to say the least. When we returned, the package was carefully wrapped w/ no indication what-so-ever as to the gender.
That upcoming weekend was the party with family and friends.
So is the new addition a "he" or "she"?
We let Ellie unwrap the package to reveal a pink and white striped outfit!
Poor Jamie, living with all these girls!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Welcoming Lizzie Kate
The weekend before our little family grew by 2 feet, we planned a "girl's morning" with our family friends, the Eakes ladies! We spent a Saturday morning getting mother-daughter pedicures and the girls got mini-manicures as well. Complete with massage chairs the idea was a big success with the girls and we completed the morning with a stop at a local donut shop. This was Ellie's first experience with a spa treatment and she enjoyed it.
Little did we know that the very next weekend, Lizzie Kate would arrive. She was to be due on June 24th, but decided an earlier arrival would be better. I must say that she couldn't have timed it any better-arriving on a Saturday morning makes it easy for everyone and not have schedules to re-arrange. Not to go into many details regarding the labor/delivery process, I will state the following:
1. lower back labor is terrible
2. Thank God for people that make the drugs to make the process a little more bearable, even if they don't fully numb.
3. Arriving at the hospital at approx. 2:30 am and Lizzie Kate being born at 8:12 am is what I consider to be a fast process.
A few things worth mentioning:
Lizzie Kate's name... Both families have Elizabeth's or Lizabeth's in the family tree. And I had a great-great grandmother named Lizzie. Kate is a name that one of my grandmother's wanted me to be named. Plus, I go for more traditional, timeless names and really like the "Southern style" double name. And, of course the meanings of names is important as well.
Lizzie: derived from Elizabeth meaning "my God is an oath" or "consecrated to God"
Kate: "pure"
Also, the first things noticed about Lizzie is her perfectly shaped head and long fingers and toes.
Jamie called family and friends at approx. 6:30 am and all made it in time for LK's arrival. Thanks to Billie Jo for all the waiting room pictures.
Big Sis, Ellie Grace, patiently waiting. The cute shirt is courtesy of The Eakes'.
This photo cracks me up. The kids spying for Jamie to come get everyone.
Thumbs Up! Lizzie is here!
Big Sis and Little Sis
Just as expected, Ellie has adjusted so well into the big sister role. The girls are about 7 1/2 year apart, so having a sister that wants to be involved and help has been great. I have been trying to prepare Ellie for the important role of being a big sister and the responsibilities and role she will have in Lizzie's life.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Some Summer Randomness
I wanted to share some summer randomness before I begin the posts about our family of 4. Before Lizzie Kate arrived, we wanted to squeeze in as much Ellie time as possible. Though we knew she would be a wonderful big sister, we also wanted to make sure that she didn't feel overshadowed by the new addition.
The above picture was taken while fishing one evening. I love the look of concentration on her face, hence the tongue sticking out while casting the fishing pole. When in deep concentration or thought, her tongue is out of her mouth. During the school year, her lips become so chapped.
Ellie also played league ball again this year. She was able to move up to coach-pitch softball and played with a great group of young girls that improved so much over the season. I don't have any photos of the regular season play because being the coach's wife means the unspoken task of keeping the score book, but I plan on getting action pictures with this week's upcoming All-Star tournaments. I did take my camera to last night's practice scrimmage. Capturing a sweating Ellie with blue eyes perfectly matching her jersey makes my heart smile. She is playing the catcher position and her wet, sweaty hair is proof that it is rather warm with the equipment. Good Luck to the North Gibson 8U All Star Softball team this weekend!
New Addition
On Saturday, June 15, 2013, we welcomed a new member to the Carson Clan.
Meet Lizzie Kate Carson
Born at 8:12 am
Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz
Length: 20.25 inches long
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