Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Welcoming Lizzie Kate

The weekend before our little family grew by 2 feet, we planned a "girl's morning" with our family friends, the Eakes ladies!  We spent a Saturday morning getting mother-daughter pedicures and the girls got mini-manicures as well.  Complete with massage chairs the idea was a big success with the girls and we completed the morning with a stop at a local donut shop. This was Ellie's first experience with a spa treatment and she enjoyed it.
Little did we know that the very next weekend, Lizzie Kate would arrive.  She was to be due on June 24th, but decided an earlier arrival would be better. I must say that she couldn't have timed it any better-arriving on a Saturday morning makes it easy for everyone and not have schedules to re-arrange. Not to go into many details regarding the labor/delivery process, I will state the following:
1. lower back labor is terrible
2.  Thank God for people that make the drugs to make the process a little more bearable, even if they don't fully numb.
3. Arriving at the hospital at approx. 2:30 am and Lizzie Kate being born at 8:12 am is what I consider to be a fast process.
A few things worth mentioning:
Lizzie Kate's name... Both families have Elizabeth's or Lizabeth's in the family tree. And I had a great-great grandmother named Lizzie. Kate is a name that one of my grandmother's wanted me to be named.  Plus, I go for more traditional, timeless names and really like the "Southern style" double name. And, of course the meanings of names is important as well.
Lizzie: derived from Elizabeth meaning "my God is an oath" or "consecrated to God"
Kate: "pure"
Also, the first things noticed about Lizzie is her perfectly shaped head and long fingers and toes.
Jamie called family and friends at approx. 6:30 am and all made it in time for LK's arrival. Thanks to Billie Jo for all the waiting room pictures.
Big Sis, Ellie Grace, patiently waiting. The cute shirt is courtesy of The Eakes'.

This photo cracks me up.  The kids spying for Jamie to come get everyone. 

Thumbs Up!  Lizzie is here!

Big Sis and Little Sis

Just as expected, Ellie has adjusted so well into the big sister role.  The girls are about 7 1/2 year apart, so having a sister that wants to be involved and help has been great.  I have been trying to prepare Ellie for the important role of being a big sister and the responsibilities and role she will have in Lizzie's life.

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