Thursday, June 27, 2013

Boy or Girl?

When Jamie and I went for the 20 week ultrasound we decided not to find out that day if the new addition would be a boy or girl.  We wanted Ellie to be a part of the excitement and thought that a gender reveal party would be a great idea!  I must admit, it was rather hard not to tear into the envelope as we left the doctor's office. We tossed around several ideas on how we wanted to reveal the gender, but decided on going to a local children's boutique, The Chocolate Bunny, and getting an outfit. We picked out 1 boy and 1 girl outfit and handed the envelope containing the gender to the ladies with instructions:  open the envelope and wrap whichever outfit indicated. Also wrap up the ultrasound photos too.  The ladies were thrilled to say the least.  When we returned, the package was carefully wrapped w/ no indication what-so-ever as to the gender.
That upcoming weekend was the party with family and friends. 
So is the new addition a "he" or "she"?
We let Ellie unwrap the package to reveal a pink and white striped outfit! 
Poor Jamie, living with all these girls!

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