Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010
Peace Out!
P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)
This week, we are in full scale VBS 2010!!! This will be the most rewarding, fun, and oh-so tiring week :). To follow our success last year, our VBS director & preacher have designed and prepared our very own VBS curriculum. Because the area kids hit all the VBS's around, we decided to make up our own so they wouldn't get bored & repetitive. With the "peace" sign being very popular among the kids, a 70's theme tyed-dyed "Peace in Prayer" theme was in order to be "hip" (if that word is still used). Centered around the prayer in the Bible we will study "The Tax Collector & Pharisee", "Moses & the Wilderness", as well as "The Lord's Prayer". Thus far, the kids have loved it!

To begin the VBS week a "kick-off" night was held for kids & their parents! The highlight - the inflatable obstacle course & bouncy house for the little ones! Luckily the rain held off until quiting time!
Yep, that is Ellie & I racing! Needless to say I was a little sore - this thing was pretty tough!
Nope, I didn't win! Ellie had the advantage - she is small & can fit between all the little nooks & crannies!

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sunnyside Up!
I have mentioned in previous posts about the sunflower patch that my hubby has helped tend to for dove hunting in the fall. Well, I couldn't let the bright, sunny side up faces go to waste on birds and gun shells. I grab Ellie & Macy Ruth for a quick, impromptu photo shoot. We braved the swarm of horseflies for a few shots. Since I have become obsessed blogging, I have also become obsessed with taking pictures. In fact, this fall I have enrolled in a digital photography class - so excited about it!
Ellie is actually looking at the camera! Love her blue eyes and blonde hair with the sunflowers!
Macy showing off a sunflower that is as big as her head! She cooperates much better with the camera than Ellie does.
Acting Goofy! Ellie is showing off her "horns", though she says they are bunny ears; and Macy is showing her lack front teeth!

And there she goes ...
Though it may look as if she is falling off, she is actually jumping off! WhooHoo! And, the best part - she loved it and did it several times. She also did a little swimming w/o her floaties in the 3ft end where she can touch. She is getting her dogie paddle down pat! I am so proud of her!
With her learning to swim reminds me of the swimming lessons I took when I was smaller. Having a summer birthday, my parents got my sister & I swimming lessons one year. I believe my sister & I came out ahead on that deal rather than the instructor teaching us. When the instructor gave us a task, such as going under water, I would refuse. So, she would bribe us - I will give you $ if you do it, and under I would go! That worked for a little while, but then the instructor called my bluff. When I would perform a simple task, she got me out of the pool & tossed me in the deeper end. She knew I could swim & wanted to prove it to me.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ahhh...This is the Life

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Splishin' & Splashin'
We went to the water park today with the Chandler gang & boy, did we have a great time! This is our 1st trip to Eddyville, KY water park and we all loved it!
Who's excited to go play in the water?
Ellie is!!
Jaxon is too!!
This is the kiddie zone at the water park - Ellie & Jaxon loved this part. And, it wasn't too bad for the parent either, you can put the lawn chairs around the edge of the pool area, so I could stay nice & cool.

Lunchtime! We had a picnic on the grounds of the water park. Luckily, a McDonald's was close by so we hit up the $1 menu! What a wonderful idea - no lunch meat to pack, just drinks & snacks.
Jaxon refueling for more water action!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Swimming Daredevils
After returning home from the Lake last night we get a phone call inviting us for a little night time swimming. I am so glad we decided to go even though we were all exhausted from the weekend. My uncle's boy, KJ, is a swimming machine! He is fearless & was a good example to Ellie not to be scared & built her confidence. We all had a wonderful time & was so exhausted that we came home & crashed!
Ellie & KJ pausing from swimming for a picture.
Ellie running & jumping into the pool!
KJ with a CANNONBALL & Ellie landing in the water.

Thanks Uncle Keith for the invite - We had a wonderful time!
*@*Fireworks & Suntan Lines*@*
We had a BLAST this past July 4th weekend at the Lake! Full of fireworks, food, & fun times with friends & family, we are know taking today to recoup & rest. We were joined the first part of the weekend by my really good friend, Lindsey & hubby Chris. It was so nice to catch up with them & hang out with them. The last part of the weekend, The Hays' came to join in on the fun!

Friday, July 2, 2010
Rejuvenate, Recharge, & Refresh

A special thank you to the military personnel for all their hard work & dedication!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Who's a Cardinals Fan?

#1. no girls allowed
#2. each attendee must wear Cardinals attire
Even though Jamie is a ATL Braves fan, he does own 1 Cards shirt & hat - just b/c Mr. Joey won't let him ride in the vehicle wearing Braves attire LOL :)
Normally the trip concludes with supper at Lambert's Cafe in Sikeston, MO.
With Jamie being out of pocket yesterday, Ellie & I had a "Girls evening" with Paige, JuJu, & Granny. Have I ever mentioned how nice it is to have a sister that does hair? Well, it is such a blessing! Thanks Paige! Not only did Ellie & I get new hair do's, but visited w/ Gran, played with Tripp & Jaxon .... AND had Granny's TACOS!! These are not just any ordinary tacos, but Granny's "Greasy Tacos". I know, it may not sound all that appetizing with "greasy" being the adjective to describe, but they are WONDERFUL! We don't eat them often, so when the guys are out of town we chow down! "Greasy Tacos" were always a special request of Paige & I as little girls when Gran would keep us while our parents were out of town, & we still request them to this day! I was unable to take a phone of the deliciousness of them - but the next time we have the pleasure of them, I will. YUMMY!
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