Wednesday, July 7, 2010

*@*Fireworks & Suntan Lines*@*

We had a BLAST this past July 4th weekend at the Lake! Full of fireworks, food, & fun times with friends & family, we are know taking today to recoup & rest. We were joined the first part of the weekend by my really good friend, Lindsey & hubby Chris. It was so nice to catch up with them & hang out with them. The last part of the weekend, The Hays' came to join in on the fun!
Ellie practicing balancing a pillow on her head on the way to the Lake. Boredom sets in fast with her just about any drive.
Mr. & Mrs. Parker (Chris & Lindsey) enjoyed the Lake with us the first part of the Holiday weekend. We had a blast spending time with them & this was considered a little getaway before Chris begins football season.

Such a glamorous shot of us (NOT!) Thank goodness for sunglasses & ball caps - a girl's best friend at the lake.
Lindsey & I riding the tube. Yes, we were both arthritis sore the next day, but it was fun!
Ellie & I practicing our "scream" before tube riding. This was her 1st time to ride the tube & she loved it - as long as we didn't hit any huge waves.
Ellie is all smiles @ the Lake.
She looks mad, but I promise she is not. Overly tired & bummed that we were having to leave is the mood written on her face.
Waiting patiently for the fireworks to begin!
We saw a wonderful fireworks display! Ellie loved them!
I had to post this picture of fireworks - what do you see? I see a herd of cattle; Paige sees a jellyfish in the middle part.
Leaving the fireworks display ... wow! traffic!
They were actually sharing the DS - acting so very nice to get a yummy s'more.

Cousins - Ellie & Jaxon - both absolutely love the Lake!
Ellie learning how to "surf" on a knee board.
We had a fun & fabulous weekend at the lake with all our friends & family!

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