Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who's a Cardinals Fan?

Yesterday Jamie had his annual "Guys Day" with my dad, b-n-l Jeffery, & Jeffery's dad Mr. Joey. I have lost count of how long this has been their annual event. There are 2 Rules:
#1. no girls allowed
#2. each attendee must wear Cardinals attire
Even though Jamie is a ATL Braves fan, he does own 1 Cards shirt & hat - just b/c Mr. Joey won't let him ride in the vehicle wearing Braves attire LOL :)
Normally the trip concludes with supper at Lambert's Cafe in Sikeston, MO.
With Jamie being out of pocket yesterday, Ellie & I had a "Girls evening" with Paige, JuJu, & Granny. Have I ever mentioned how nice it is to have a sister that does hair? Well, it is such a blessing! Thanks Paige! Not only did Ellie & I get new hair do's, but visited w/ Gran, played with Tripp & Jaxon .... AND had Granny's TACOS!! These are not just any ordinary tacos, but Granny's "Greasy Tacos". I know, it may not sound all that appetizing with "greasy" being the adjective to describe, but they are WONDERFUL! We don't eat them often, so when the guys are out of town we chow down! "Greasy Tacos" were always a special request of Paige & I as little girls when Gran would keep us while our parents were out of town, & we still request them to this day! I was unable to take a phone of the deliciousness of them - but the next time we have the pleasure of them, I will. YUMMY!

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