Thursday, July 15, 2010

And there she goes ...

off the diving board!
Though it may look as if she is falling off, she is actually jumping off! WhooHoo! And, the best part - she loved it and did it several times. She also did a little swimming w/o her floaties in the 3ft end where she can touch. She is getting her dogie paddle down pat! I am so proud of her!
With her learning to swim reminds me of the swimming lessons I took when I was smaller. Having a summer birthday, my parents got my sister & I swimming lessons one year. I believe my sister & I came out ahead on that deal rather than the instructor teaching us. When the instructor gave us a task, such as going under water, I would refuse. So, she would bribe us - I will give you $ if you do it, and under I would go! That worked for a little while, but then the instructor called my bluff. When I would perform a simple task, she got me out of the pool & tossed me in the deeper end. She knew I could swim & wanted to prove it to me.

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