Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let's Catch Up ...

I'm really surprised that my mother has not continually reminded me that I have not posted anything in quite sometime, but WOW! it has been busy. So, Let's Catch Up ...

El began gymnastics this month & LOVES it! She literally bounces with excitement during her class. She loved doing cartwheels & flips before she began her classes, so we maybe creating a tumbling monster.

A couple of funny stories:

During a recent snow day, El hung out w/ her aunt "Jenner"... well, "Jenner" looks out the window to check on the kids playing in the snow to behold El standing on a patio chair w/ just her toboggan, sweatshirt, and socks on (yep, that's what she saw). She proceeds to holler "What are you doing?!?" El's reply: "I had to use the bathroom & didn't want to take off all my clothes!" Because it just makes so much sense to use the bathroom in sub-zero temps outside in the flower bed. Sometimes, I really wonder how blonde her hair is.

Well, the 2nd story is a little brash...
Hanging out w/ Jenner on another day. Cousin Macy tells El that they have to go to the vet to pick up their cat, Moe (who btw is as big a small child). El is really concerned that Moe is sick, to which Macy replies "No, he went to get his b@!!s cut" (yes, Macy has an older brother who likes to aggravate). El, wide-eyed with innocence asks: "But Macy, he won't be able to see w/o his eyeballs?" Needless to say, El was a little surprised that Moe could see when they went to pick him up.

In other news ...
I am wanting to repaint most of my house, but I get totally confused on colors. Top of my list is El's room (basically everything from paint, new furniture, etc.), our den & the utility room (which I painted last year, but tired of the color). I am thinking of going more neutral in color & accent w/ pops of color ...which is not usually my style.

We now have 2 dogs. Yep, after our failed run of keeping cats (which have disappeared), we have dogs. The Heniz 57 dog, "Ruby", is courtsey of Granddaddy. Then, Jamie got a lab/retriever mixed dog that El name "Louise" (think cartoon Max & Ruby), but we call her "LuLu" for short.

We are beginning a Beth Moore Bible study at church, which I am really excited about. And, our HOP is gearing up for some performances to raise money for the TN Bapt Children's Home.

El has taken over control of my iPOD. Hub's has downloaded some game applications and we have found out that she is a SORE LOSER! oh my - any suggestions on how to break her from acting awful?

I have rediscovered my love of reading, hence the reason why I haven't been on the computer lately.

Well..that's all that is happening in our life at the moment. Hopefully, I will be posting some new pictures soon.

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