Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy 2011!
I had planned on posting some of my favorite photos from 2010, but I am pulling the "lazy card" since I have uploaded 800+ photos to my photo account. But, I still wanted to write about the past year. Background: 2009 would be best described as a challenge. Due to economic conditions, Hub's work was cut back - like waaayy back; and I was in the middle of classes. We survived and overcame the challenge much more grateful. We were allowed to spend lots of time together as a family. Our 2010 could be summed up in one word - BLESSED. 2010 offered both Hub's & I wonderful opportunities and work schedules were back to normal. We witnessed Ellie learning new things like riding her bike w/o training wheels. It was truly a blessed year for us as a family. I wonder what word will best describe 2011?
Wishing you a 2011 filled w/ opportunities, contentment, and happiness.

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