Sunday, January 9, 2011

Warm Up

I am like a little kid these days wishing for the snow to come! I WANT SNOW! I want sledding snow! Unfortunantely, I don't have a job that lets me have "snow days", but I still want a good snow. Call me crazy!
Nothing is better than a cozy home, a good movie or book, and something to warm your tummy on the cold winter days. That is exactly what we have done this weekend! A few rentals from the movie store (MOVIE REVIEW: "It's Complicated" - leave it! "Date Night" - rent it!) and a big pot of soup. I don't share lots of recipes or anything here, but I am always on the lookout for a good soup/chili and thought you might be as well.

Easy Potato Soup
1 2lb. bag of country-style hashbrowns (you can use the plain or the O'brien style w/ onions & peppers for an extra zip)

1 onion, chopped (if you don't use the O'brien style hashbrowns)

1 14.5 oz. can of chicken broth

2 c. water

1 can of Cream of Chicken soup

1 can of cream of Celery soup

2 c. milk

Saute onions in a little butter (if used) in a large soup pot until soft. Add hashbrowns, chicken broth & water; salt & pepper to taste. Bring to a boil; cover & simmer for 30 mins. Add the soups and milk & heat thru until melted into the soup. Garnish w/ shredded cheeze and bacon bits.
It is a really fast soup to put together. I have also improvised by changing it up to whatever I had on hand - Cream of Mushroom soup instead of the Chicken; adding a can of Cheddar Cheese soup; adding a container of sour cream; more chicken broth than water. And they have all been good! This is one of the few things that E actually requests.

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