Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Recap

Peter Cottontail came by our house and has left it looking like a mild birthday event of candy, plastic eggs, new movies, and other spring-time goodies.

The Easter festivities began the weekend prior with an egg hunt at church. As you can see, it was held on a cold weekend - bring out the winter coats and long sleeves. I think I commented that Easter could be held in July and the weather would decided to go cold. That same weekend, Jamie was at the races, so El & I had a "girls weekend." Two movies later (HOP & RIO), she was ready to see her daddy. Ellie is looking hard for the "golden eggs" that may have something other than candy...
And was successful - maybe she will loan me some money.

The actual Easter weekend was fun as always. Thankfully, the stormy weather had moved on thru & no winter coats were required. Our Easter day celebration consisted of attending church, which El participated in the children/youth "stick drama". Afterward, it was lunch at Jamie's grandparents - which is always delish. And to work off the lunch an exercise of hunting 200+ eggs is in order.

Ellie, Macy (who just returned from Disneyworld, hence the "princess hair"), our niece, Julia, and nephew Harrison.

That evening was supper at my Grannie's house. More good food & good times. Turns out the Easter Bunny left goodies there as well. New sidewalk chalk & bubbles were opened up & outside was where the action could be found. I was excited to play around with my camera & try to put the lessons learned in a recent photography class to use. I was able to capture some great (I think) photos.

Our nephew Jaxon, who likes to give me a hard time when I have a camera sometimes. This was one of those times.

Ellie blowing her "monster" bubble.

And, one of my personal favs...Cousins, Celeste & Julianne helping Tripp blow bubbles. No, that is not a flaw in the photo, its bubbles.

But through egg hunts, blowing of bubbles & art on the sidewalk, the true meaning of Easter isn't the Spring weather, but the fact that death was overcome.

1 comment:

  1. I said the same thing about if Easter were held in July it would still be cold. I chose not to complain b/c like you said, Easter isn't about the weather....and I am so thankful for our Savior.
