Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rookie Season

We braved the cold 48 degree weather for Ellie's first ever, rookie season t-ball team. Armed with blankets, ball bat, helmets, hats, water, camera, chairs, and all of the other items we looked a lot like the beginning of "Yes, Dear" a retired sitcom. She is playing for "The Victory 93.7" Kenton t-ball team (side note: a cousin of Jamie's actually is part owner in the Christian radio station).

She scored 1 run for her team & made it to base both of her times up to bat. So ... here's to her liking t-ball from 48 degrees to 110 degrees this summer (we hope)!

Before the game and ready to go!
Coach Jason showing her spot ...
Batter's Up! (sorry this one is a little blurry - I was playing around w/ camera settings)

So this summer, until mid-June - look for us at the ball field!

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