Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July Weekend #1

for some unknown reason, I am unable to load all the photos I had planned for the post. So, 2 posts it will be.

The last part of the weekend was spent at the lake with The Cooper Clan. Super cool kids & parents, of course. Ellie was in great company with 3 kiddos to hang out with. As I have mentioned before, we love the lake. It is relaxing, laid back & seems to have no time zone. Case in point, eating supper at 9:30 at night! From sunning to boating to riding the golf cart around and visiting with others ... that is the best part of summer.

My parents also came up on Sunday evening. Even though it rained, I think they had a good time just being up there.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the last part of the weekend. This photo may need a little explaining. The Cooper Clan thought it looked like a fat guy in a speedo. So funny I just had to post it.

On Sunday evening, the community had a golf cart parade. Residents decked out their carts with whatever their imaginations could come up with. Some threw out candy and small toys, others blasted music. So fun! We didn't participate, however, I may try to talk Jamie into it next year. But ...this is what we would have to compete with...

Yes, they are dressed up as Uncle Sam & Lady Liberty...

Hope you had a fabulous 4th weekend!

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